The Winslow Boy: The play (question about)

I just saw the film version of THE WINSLOW BOY, and I have a question. Since no doubt the play was shortened to make the film, I wonder if anyone who has seen the play can help me.

Why was he never asked, “Ok, so you didn’t steal the money order. Do you know who did, or do you know anything about the whole matter?”

Am I just nuts or isn’t that a logical question to ask? It seems like everyone pussy-footed around that question, keeping themselves solely centered on what the boy (only) did. No one asked, “Do you happen to know what DID happen?” Or is it a class thing, and no gentleman would ask another to rat someone out?

Ooh I just had a Robert Donat moment. …swooon… what a hottie.

Ahem. Anyway.

I’ve not seen the play nor the recent film so this is a bit of a useless answer.

But I get the impression that they took for granted he knew nothing about who stole it, because otherwise he would have used that in his defence initially and never got expelled.

And also the whole play is about defending human nature and belief and decency and so on, so including petty stuff like EVIDENCE would be beyond the point.