I don’t know, maybe I’m just looking for reasons to criticize this season, but I didn’t like the Munch cameo. It reminded me of the appearance of Sean Connery as the King at the end of the awful Kevin Costner Robin Hood. The theater I was in erupted in applause when the King appeared. Not because it was the King, but because it was Sean Connery. In other words, the filmmakers got an emotional response not through the drama, but through the casting, taking the audience out of the story and emphasizing the artifice.
Belzer’s appearance, which referred to another drama outside of The Wire, reinforced the unreality of the show, taking us out of the drama, and breaking the illusion of reality (already severely weakened in the fifth season) that had been the hallmark of the show. It’s the kind of cutesy business that lots of primetime dramas have done, but which The Wire had not, until now.
But wait a minute, commasense, you’re saying, what about all the other cameos in The Wire: the ex-mayor, the ex-governor, the ex-police commissioner, the ex-drug dealers, and the real cops? Not the same: they were all much more subtle, they were real people, not Hollywood actors, and pointed to the real world, not to a work of fiction.
Speaking of cameos, Clay Davis’ lawyer was played by a real B’more lawyer of the same name: Billy Murphy. Not a bad performance for a non-actor. But I guess trial lawyers are actors of a kind.
I keep watching, but every episode I’m more and more disappointed in this season. I rewatched last week’s ep before tonight’s and I became more dissatisfied with Omar’s hiding place. Chris’ guys said they checked dumpsters and sewers, and we saw Monk and Snoop checking the neighborhood and hospitals. But no one looked inside Monk’s own building? Sheeeeeeeeeiiiit!
Speaking of which, The Wire has entered the world of Boston Legal, where legal cases begin and end on the same day.
BTW, for the second time in The Wire, they mentioned the county in which I live. The first time it was S4 street kids saying that there was KKK in Howard County (not true!). Tonight it was where McNulty got the fancy equipment to intercept the pictures.