The Worst Sports Uniforms of All Time

Do you think I was really thinking of the Steelers’ uniforms? God knows pretty much all of the throwbacks were eyesores.

MLB: San Diego Padres, brown and gold any combo
NHL: Vancouver Canucks, Richard Brodeur era
NBA: Houston Rockets, present day
NFL: Denver Broncos, when their uniforms got really orange

The worst uniforms currently being worn (on a US pro team) are those of the Denver Broncos. Ugh, ugh, ugh! They changed them a few years ago, and I am shocked that they haven’t gone back. The old uniforms were inifintely better than those they have now.

I also hate the Arizona Diamondback uniforms. They are ridiculous colors, and change from day to day, apparently. You’d think the players would get confused and wear the wrong uniforms on the wrong days. And, I really hate the black-jerseys-white-pants look. This year the Giants wear black jerseys on Friday nights, and I can’t stand it. I have to figure out who makes these decisions so I can write to him/her repeatedly until they go back to plain white jerseys.

Me too! Why is all this hatin’ going on with Houston teams. Everybody but the Houston Aeros have been blasted. :wink:

The Cleveland Cavaliers used to have these shiny barf-brown jerseys. I agree with those “V” Canucks jerseys and old Astros jerseys. And anyone remember the rainbow skyline Denver Nuggets jerseys? Oh and Ranger fans chant with me now, “We want Fishsticks!”

As for current stinkers:

NHL: Ducks, Coyotes, Canucks
NBA: Raptors (with the different colored front and back)
MLB: Any team making gratuitous use of black. Any team whose jersey does not match their pants. And did anyone see the camoflouge jerseys the Padres wore on Armed Service day last year?
NFL: Broncos

NCAAFB: Oregon, BYU, Miami (FL)

Oh and every single XFL jersey.

PS The day glo WLAF team was the Orlando Thunder.

yet another vote for the crime against aesthetics that was the 1980s Vancouver Canucks uniform. :eek:
What were they trying to do, blind opposing goaltenders?

I really hated the san Diego padres uniform, the one with the brown, gold, and orange camoflage. It was completely hideous…

Yes, yes, the San Diego Padres uniforms were heinous. So were the early 80’s Kansas City Royals light blue pajamas. And the current Tampa Devil Rays jersys aren’t pretty, either.

USA Soccer Uniforms
Minnesota Wild of the NHL

Thanks Elwood, no wonder I couldn’t find info, right team wrong league.

Well, the Houston Aeros’ uniforms really blew…

(OK, I actually have no idea what they looked like, but since it came up…)

Anyway. I was born in 1979 and didn’t get interested in sports until about 1990, so I missed out on a lot of the worst uniform travesties. But the NHL “third jersey” fad from a couple of years ago spawned some dreadful stuff – for instance, the Boston Bruins’ Pig-Nosed Bear jerseys, the L.A. Kings (spit) jersey with a black stripe and a silly looking king, and worst of all the Mighty Ducks’ getup with some bizarre-looking cartoon cyborg duck.

Oh, and the IHL’s Detroit Vipers wear eggplant and aqua uniforms, with a logo that’s an ungodly amalgamation of snake, hockey puck, tire, and garden hose.

I don’t like the Pistons’ uniforms that much either. The Lions are OK (though what on earth is Honolulu blue), and the Tigers and Wings are exceptionally well-dressed (if nothing else :().

Oh, and do the Astros’ rainbow uniforms make anyone else think of Wesley Crusher’s costumes from first-season Star Trek: TNG? :eek:

oo…definitely Padres on this one.
The other Sox uniform that sucked ass was the one they used in the early or mid 80’s. It had a big ol’ “SOX” emblazoned across the chest in some sort of tricolor (I think.) Ughh. ughh, ughh, ughhh.

The Cubs brief foray into baby-blue and pinstripes instead of white and pinstripes was abysmal. I think this was around '82 or so. Don’t remember for sure. Was just a few years old at the time.

If you think the Vancouver Canucks’ brown uniforms were bad, you should have seen the ones they had before. Blue, with a hockey stick shape. That was it.

Or how about the ones they have NOW? A C with a killer whale. I don’t think anyone’s noticed, but the Canucks are the only team in pro sports I can think of whose team logo incorporate an element (the killer whale) that has nothing to do with the team. It’s akin to having a Red Sox logo with a lion.

I also nominate:

  1. Toronto Raptors “Barney” Uniforms - Prior to acquiring their current togs, the Raptors used to wear those Godawful jerseys with the big cartoon dinosaur on them. They changed the uniform at the request of the Raptors players because opposing players were laughing at them.

  2. The Cleveland Indians. I don’t mind the name “Indians,” but that Chief Wahoo cartoon is pretty insulting.

  3. Arizona Diamondbacks. Yes, it’s been said, but I gotta second it. Just what the hell are their team colors, anyway? As near as I can tell they have incorporated every color in the visible spectrum into their duds at one point or another.

  4. Tampa Bay Devil Rays. That logo, holy crap.

  5. The Kansas City Royals and the Toronto Blue Jays, 1985 American League Championship Series. Both teams wore those powder blue road unis with the pullover tops and the stretch pants; thank God they have since abandoned them. I saw a few photos from that series the other days and it looked like they were playing in Underoos.

I also saw a picture of George Brett hitting his famous homer off Goose Gossage to win the 1980 ALCS. It was an amazing homer; Gossage threw Brett a pitch that must have been going 99mph at least, and Brett pulled it so far into the upper deck it burned up on re-entry. A wonderful moment until you look at the pictures and see Brett wearing frigging pyjamas.

5A. Also on the Baseball Pyjama Hall of Shame: The Philadelphia Phillies, Montreal Expos, Seattle Mariners, Pittsburgh Pirates, San Diego Padres, St. Louis Cardinals, Minnesota Twins, Cincinnati Reds, and probably a dozen more I don’t remember.

  1. New York Mets black jerseys. I’m sorry, but black is not a Mets color.

  2. The Vancouver Grizzlies. I hate to kick them when they’re down, but those are some bad jerseys. And they used to be worse - remember when they had that tooth pattern on all the trim? The colors don’t work, either, unless someone can explain to me where all the teal grizzly bears are.

I know the one… that was the old IHL uni, right? It was butt-ugly too, but the Haloween costumes top it easily. Hell, at least you knew it was a hockey stick on the old ones, right?

Ugly? How about the Philadelphia Flyers long pant cooperall uniforms from the 80’s. That or the old purple and yellow L.A. Kings uni’s.

They also experimented with different colors around the same time. I know one season ('37?) Dodger blue was abandoned for a kelly green; I believe one season their crosshatch pattern was in maroon.

Yeah, what sort of Mickey Mouse organiaztion would use a name like that? What? Oh! Nevermind…

One more vote for the White Sox. That look was simply apalling.

Another vote for the powder blue Kansas City Royals unis - if you’re going to call yourselves the “Royals” why not stick with Royal blue, as they have now?

I can’t believe nobody mentioned the incredibly bad, late 70s Cleveland Indians uniforms. Bright red. Solid, bright red. All-over. They were blinding.

BTW, as an Arizona resident, the official colors of the Diamondbacks are teal, purple, and black. Gold is used as an occasional accent. They do have an absurd number of uniform changes, though. I hate it when you’re watching a ballgame and you can’t tell which is the home team because neither is wearing white. Home teams need to wear white - jerseys and pants. DBacks are one of the worst offenders here.

Anyone thinking of that one Seinfeld episode in which George convinced the Yankees to switch to all-cotton uniforms? :smiley: