The worst TMI you've ever been subjected to

Probably this recent tidbit involving Whitney Houston and hubby Bobby Brown.


Maybe I’m beyond TMI, after working in an ER and being a Paramedic. When Littlecats was born via emergency C-section, I watched the entire procedure.

One that might be TMI for the rest of you was one evening when a 20 something female arrived at the ER in a very agitated state. She wouldn’t speak to me or nursing staff. No complaint presented on her intake form. She wanted a Doctor, only. He took her into the minor OR, and about 5 minutes later, she came out the door and left like wolves were chasing her. Then the Doc emerged with a bunch of celery held aloft in his forceps, and said, “Who wants salad?” :eek: Hilarity ensued. :smiley:

Not sure if it was THE worst but it ranked in the top 10.

When I was 20 and expecting my first child my Grandmother (My Dad’s Mom), informed me that she still made my Step-grandfather use condoms when they had sex because she " didn’t want all that mess inside her"

::shudder:: The thought still makes me want to boil my brain. Fer crying out loud this was my GRANDMOTHER, the lady who was so modest she would wear trousers under her very long dress when she gardened .

A few months ago, myself and three of my fellow co-workers (two female and one male) were meeting about a sitaution at work. We were sitting in the conference room, talking about the situation, when one of the co-workers said (as a result of the dead end we were encountering in resolving the situation), “I can’t decided anything–I’m in such a bad mood, 'cause I’m ragging this week.”

We all sat there with a look of horror on our faces. Thank you so very much for sharing.

Heard some serious TMI last night, and it was on TV of all places. There’s this show on Oxygen with this grandmotherly woman answering sex questions.

Most of them were pretty run of the mill, if not something I’d expect to hear on cable. But there was the one woman who called in to find out if there were any problems doing something she and her boyfriend had recently discovered was fun…having him ejaculate IN HER EAR. No problem, apparently, though our host advised her to clean her ear well afterwards.

Huh? People are WEIRD.

Listening to a female co-worker from Africa describe her FGM in great graphic detail was too much for me.

Cheez-a-pete, that’s practically love’s little gift of roses compared to some of the stuff on this thread.

I was referring to whiterabbit’s post, not the above! :smack:

A cow-orker told me last week that when he was out sick (food poisoning) he pooped green.

That’s TMI.

What got me was that this woman called a total stranger ON TV about this. Also, I reallllllly don’ t want to think about cleaning that stuff out of my ear. Ick. It may be nowhere near the most TMI thing on this board, but I think it still counts.

For one day a few years ago I pooped blue-green. It was rather a pretty color. I still can’t figure out what I ate to achieve that color.

Whiterabbit, I think that show is called “Sex Talk with Sue Johansen.” It’s actually a pretty decent show, but lots of the calls are way, way TMI…like the teenaged girl who called in wanting to know if it was OK to use her electric toothbrush as a sex toy, and then went on to say that she had swiped one of her little brother’s toys for her personal use.

Jeep’s Phoenix (what does that mean, anyway?) Why is that so horrifying? There was a thread around here somewhere that was the oddest things you’ve used for masturbation, plus many teens don’t have access to better toys. Honestly, I’d rather have the young ones home playing with their electric toothbrush than sleeping around & catching diseases & getting pregnant.

Heh. Disgusting as the subject matter is, that’s still one of my favorite threads ever on this message board.

Pardon my prurient interest, but this being the Straight Dope, I’m inclined to ask which of her brother’s toys she purloined.

Re green poo- that’s often a result of grape soda/juice

Well the worst TMI for me was one I experienced; a couple hours after having the worst cramps of my life…

I passed a blood clot the size of a tangerine

That’s the TMI that made my boyfriend cry.

I went to lunch with a girl who worked in a photo lab across the street from where I was employed. We went to a cafeteria where all sorts of nice straight-laced church goers eat.

She told me about the BDSM session she and her friend went to the previous night, and then loudly proclaimed to be a Bottom. She told me she got bruises on her inner thigh. Then she proceeded to stand up, put her foot on the table, pull her skirt back, and show me the bruises.

I just said “Oh, that’s nice” and ate my green beans.

Oh, Knowed Out, you reminded me of my TA at SUNY New Paltz. She and I were eating at a local small restaurant when she proceeded to tell me in a loud voice that she’d found no one could please her sexually except for herself.

This wouldn’t be anything nowadays, but at the time I was a virgin, hadn’t even been *kissed * yet. (I was a late bloomer). I just sat there like this: :eek: :o

My wife, who works as an educator at the state prison was one day talking with her niece, who at the time was an OR nurse at the University hospital.

My wife was talking about how difficult it was to keep security on any kind of electronic equipment that they use in the education labs, such as TV’s, computers, etc. since small (and sometimes even large) items seem to disappear frequently.

Her niece then told of one inmate who had been brought to the hospital for emergency surgery. Upon taking some x-rays it was discovered that this inmate had a six-foot length of coaxial TV cable (with connectors on both ends) in his bladder.

Yes, there is only one way for it to get there. :eek:

[Hopefully]He…swallowed it?[/Hopefully]