The "Yeah, but....." thread game

Yeah, but do bees be?

Yeah, but what does that have to do with the price of tea in China?

Yeah, but China ran out of tea.

Yeah, but won’t they have more Oolong e’er-long?

Yeah, but Darjeeling is better anyway.

Yes, but only when having it with Marie Antionette and her little sister.

Yeah, but doesn’t Marie Antoinette lose her head over tea and cakes?

Yeah, but she did it with panache.

Yeah, but Panache does it with anybody.

Yeah but he’s very selective about whom he kisses…

Yeah, but she’d rather kiss a Wookiee…

Yeah, but she’s probably just playing hard to get.

Yeah, but she REALLY has a thing for Droids.

Yeah but Droids don’t have penises.

Yeah (they do), but they’re retractable.

Yeah, but so are guys’, after they get out of their teens.

Yeah, but that’s why God created Viagara.

Yeah, but you need a prescription.

Yeah, but eternal priapism is definitely a case of being careful what you wish for…

Yeah, but satyriasis is faun, faun, faun, 'til your Momma takes the V-pills away.