There is a better way to moderate than this.

It is not reasonable to respond to a few folks breaking the rules by saying, “I won’t let you open a thread” on one of the most important topics in our country. Moderate the folks breaking the rules, but leave this thread open for discussion.

And please pay attention to folks both who break the rules outright, and who sealion.


Without even seeing a link I can already say I don’t like this new fad in modding around here where the mods determine what is and is not worthy of its own thread for discussion, when did this place become so draconian?

And those who are doing both.

If you’re asking about sealioning, try the Sealionthread. You can’t tell the animals without a scorecard.

LHOD, it’s a bit hard to click the blue arrow in the quote box when you’re on a phone. As a courtesy tip other posters, I pasted a link to the post.

Sealioning is not a thing. It’s a manufactured ‘offence’ designed to shut down debate.

Sealioning is a a real thing, and is itself a technique designed to stifle debate.

I am, however, going to start using the made-up term “lighthousing”, which is when someone is clearly projecting so hard, you can expect to see it from several miles away.

Damn. I thought this was going to be about robots.

Sealionification of a thread is a thing now? Lol. Who knew moderation via referencing meme comics would be desirable?

You know the better way is? Not abusing other posters.

I agree this was unreasonable moderation. There is a poster in this thread whose sole purpose is to deflect from the actual debate in question. They are posting deliberately obtuse and willfully blind garbage in order to move the debate away from a topic that is very uncomfortable for them. They are baiting others.

And when someone responds to the bait?

Then the moderator threatens to shut down the debate, thus given the person EXACTLY WHAT THEY WANT.

Great. All this will do is encourage others to do exactly the same thing to shut down debate. In fact, here are some of them now, vigorously defending this shitty tactic.

My main request isn’t about sea-lioning. It’s about moderating people who are actually breaking rules (sealioning or otherwise), not threatening the whole class with silent lunch because of a couple of yahoos.

Agree 100%.

What do you mean, “manufactured?” Who made it up?

I’m unsure, specifically. Could you please explain why this would be relevant?

Sealioning is a thing. There’s a poster here who has been told by a mod not to do it. So, it’s totally, you know, a thing.

You claimed that it was manufactured, therefore you made it relevant…or your claim was irrelevant.

Yes, I would also like to see proof that sealioning is a made-up thing. That’s quite a claim.

Before I do this, could you please explain the relevance of the question? I’m not sure I see it.

Wait, is that irony? Am I whooshed? I never can tell anymore.
(ie: was that sarcastic sealioning?)