There were a bunch of guys in fatigues at the Dunkin' Donuts this morning

And they were cute, too.

I loves me a guy in uniform. :smiley:

Me too!
Pretty much every guy I had ever dated has worn a military uniform of some sort.

On Tuesday (I think) I sat next to a bunch of Clearwater police at the food court. Five men, one woman. As they got up to leave I noticed that they were SWAT and it turns out that they were helping guard Pres. Bush when he was over in Safety Harbor that morning.

Men in uniform don’t do anything for me, but on rare occasions a woman in uniform can be exciting (based more on the woman than the uniform).

Yeah, I love uniforms too.

Especially those female stripper uniforms.
Where do they get those?

So what was it like dating the Wu-Tang Clan?

There was this one tall, blond National Guardswoman at Penn Station who looked like she might be kind of hot. She had kind of a stern sex-drillsergent look about her (like the girld from Police Acadamy). That’s what I need, a badass chick who can kick everyone’s ass but mine.

I saw a Japanese man once in an American military uniform.


Please allow me to add . . . rworrrrr!

The most startling are guys you knew as losers in high school popping up one day in uniform, all, standin’ up straight and proud and poised. Well, well, well!

What is the appeal of guys in uniforms? Easy to boss around?

What kind of donuts were they having?

Neat and clean, well-dressed, with guns*. Now where is the harm in that?

*I almost wrote gunds. They were not walking around with stuffed animals.

Bosda…whatever the rest of your name is :smiley: … they were having all kinds of studd. Sammiches, coffee, bagels, tea, donuts, everything. There were about 20 of them.

“they were having all kinds of studd”—studd ? :eek:
WOMAN! Get yer mind outta da gutter! :eek: :eek:

YES! :smiley:

add me to the hubba hubba, men in uniforms list, though military not cop type=)

there was this absolutely gorgeous german guy in the passport control area of the Frankfurt airport talking to one of the passport guys, hubba hubba…i likes the big teddy bear type when they are muscle not flab, but just enough fat layer that they are not Ahnold-grotesque…/drool

(And with the classic **Gang of Four ** song, “I Love a Man in Uniform,” playing in my head, yours truly will attempt to get a bead on this age-old mystique, right here, in this food court in the mall, where a group of military men in uniform are enjoying a coffee break at one table, while a group of young women at an adjacent table are rather obviously oggling them…)
Ladies, what’s up with the whole man-in-uniform thing? What’s the appeal?

[In unison]: “You must be joking! Oh man you must be joking!.. I love a man in uniform, I love a man in uniform…”

And what do you military men think?

“The girls, they love to see you shoot… Time with my girl, I spent it well…”

What does the military offer a man today by way of standard of living and career prospects?

"To have ambition was my ambition, but I had nothing to show for my dream… The good life was so elusive… I had to regain my self-respect, so I got into camouflage… "

Can a military man offer anything of a more personal nature to a girlfriend that a regular civilian perhaps cannot?

“I had to be strong for my woman… She needed to be protected…”

Well, gentlemen – or should I say, officers – I’d like to thank you for your candor in this most illuminating interview. Tell me, after your coffee and doughnuts, what will you be doing next?

“I need an order!”

:smack: I didn’t even catch this mistake.

Stuff. They were having all kinds of stuff.

and now you wanna get into their stuff!


Oh, I am a sinner, you can have no doubt about that!

Why? Are you feeling crowded?


We aim to please

You all probably would have loved me when I was in my Navy dress blues.