Things having a smart phone has greatly improved

Of course not. Not worth the effort to read a paragraph or two.

And even if there was more time available, good grief.

Do you wash your phone after using it in the john? If not, ew.

Pre-apply for your Darwin Award right now.

Pay attention to people who are REALLY around you, for fuck’s sake!

You have no idea. My secret shame is that I’ve always lacked the minimal sense of direction, and now I feel finally like a normal person.

Never understood that reasoning. Someone once said to me “You take your phone into the bathroom with you? Gross, your going to put it on your face later!” to which I replied “Um, I usually take my face in the bathroom with me as well, should I stop doing that?” Should we also take a shower and wash our clothes immediately afterward? New shoes? Is there a market for disposable jewelery?

Nope, try as I might I just can’t get worked up over that.

If it’s an office toilet, I’m getting paid 40 pence per minute to sit on the pot. May as well eke it out a little, know what I’m saying?

I’ve taken mine auto shopping before. With things like Edmunds to tell you the dealer invoice price of the car, Bankrate to tell you what loan rates you can get, and KBB to tell you what your trade-in is worth, the salesman doesn’t have much to work with.

I wish to answer this question one day…
Sadly stubbornness and finances prevent
Other half from moving into the new old smartphone age.

Doing surgery (after the 4th or 5th stitch, its all automatic so you barely have to use both hands anymore)

Playing football (much easier when you can get a live bird’s eye view of the entire field streamed to you)

Having sex (look up tips and techniques for whatever position you’re currently in)

Agreed. Can anyone think of another item that is frequently used during defecation that is then pressed against your face?

Your replies have nothing to do with the point.

You don’t (usually) wash your face after using the john, or shower, wash your clothes, or get new shoes or new jewelry.

People usually–and food handlers MUST–wash their hands because they can pick up germs. If you touch your phone in the john, your hands have contaminated it. If you then wash your hands, the phone is still dirty, and you can get re-contaminated by touching it, including touching it to your face. And anyone who borrows your phone can get contaminated. And if you borrow someone’s phone, you should wash your hands afterward.

It’s not a huge thing, but it is something to consider.

Getting back to the general OP…

[li]Reading (recreational). I can put a ton of ebooks on my iPhone and read them wherever, especially in places where there’s no wifi.[/li][li]Notes. Evernote has changed my life. I can type out a quit note on my phone, then later add graphics, edit it, and save it in whatever specialized notebook as necessary[/li][li]Grocery shopping.[/li][li]Listening to either music or podcasts[/li][/ol]

I take my phone into the bathroom from time to time, and yes I do clean it afterwards. Outside the bathroom is an alcohol hand-sanitiser dispenser. I spray some on a paper towel and give my phone a good wipe. Double benefit - the alcohol gets rid of all the finger smears on the screen.

What germs exactly are the phone picking up by being in the bathroom? Airborne germs? In that case your hole body must be infected every time you step into the bathroom and you should really take a shower and launder your clothes.
If I’m like most people I enter the bathroom, undo the trousers, take a seat, slip the phone out of the trousers pocket, do phone stuff, slip phone back into pocket, finish business via hand and TP, go wash hands and exit bathroom. Where did my phone get infected? By being in the same 3 foot radius of a toilet?

The reply was precisely on point. If your phone picks up germs in the bathroom, then so does every other exposed surface. If you are only concerned about hands because they touch your junk, why wash the phone but not anything else you touched (clothes, jewelery, belts, etc)? It’s all just as “contaminated”. Washing your hands after borrowing someone else’s phone? I wouldn’t as a rule, but I can see why you might. Washing the phone after being in the bathroom? Germophobia, IMHO.

It also seems that smartphones have given us a new topic to argue about!

You obviously need the “call confirm” App

Yeah you do… Sure…