things I winder about when I'm bored...

Another one:

I wonder why when someone grabs my knee on both sides it tickles, but when only grabbed on one side,it doesn’t.

Sometimes, when I’m on the road and driving through a town around dinner time, I can see into peoples homes as they sit down to eat, and I wonder what kind of lives they have… usually leaves me feeling melancholy when I do that…because they HAVE lives…LOL

OK, so God created me; so he has control over me; so he has no right to bitch about anything I do.

When I get bored, I just look out the winder.


It’s called selective hearing, and it works quite well :slight_smile:

<audio snob mode on>
For those of us who would consider spending $2,000 on a single speaker, it’s BOSE thats the cheapo brand :slight_smile:
$2000 for the whole set, maybe.
<audio snob mode off>
<lurk mode back on>

I am Chaos, I am alive, and I tell you that you are free.

Gail, your TV could be coming on by itself because of the “black box” that controls it is going bad. I used to work in a pawn shop and we had a contract with an electronics repair guy who says this is a common thing. My mother’s TV would not only come on by itself, but change channels in a rapid fire motion. She finally had to unplug it before she got a new one. IIRC, RCA-manufactured sets were especially prone to this.

Re: Book of Love

I think we write our own books. How the plot develops depends both on us and the characters we choose to put in.

I wonder…

where the remote is
why I can’t party like I used to.

If you choke a smurf, what color does it turn?

I wonder what it would have been like to be one of the first people to hear, “Twas the night before Christmas” by Clement Moore.
I bet one of his friends said, " What were you smokin’ when you wrote that, Clem?"

I wonder what happened to my metabolism.

I wonder if the makers of bra’s are really sick designers who don’t know where the nipples go on the cup.

I wonder who put the bop in the bop-she-bop and the ram in the ramalama ding dong.

I wonder what ever happened to the other half of WHAM.

I wonder if there is a treasure buried at Oak Island.

I wonder why men don’t need a ton of beauty soaps, lotions, toners and masks. They could use brillo pads and lava soap and their skin is fine. Why why why why is this?

I wonder why yipe yipe dogs exist.

Gail, before you take your TV into the shop…

Do you have a florescent (that’s spelled wrong, I think) light in the room, especially those ones you screw into a lamp like a regular bulb? I’ve read that they can trigger the infrared sensor that’s on the TV to receive the remote control signals.

It is too clear, and so it is hard to see.

I wonder what I did to deserve such wonderful friends…

I wonder who came up with the idea for the cheese commercial where the guy is ice fishing and the fish bait some cheese to catch him ::giggle: :(and then wonder why I can’t come up with ideas like that and become one of those whiz kids in advertising…<G>)

OK, so God created me; so he has control over me; so he has no right to bitch about anything I do.

I wonder how many posters to this board have died and nobody noticed.

I often wonder different things about my favorite celebrities when I get bored…things like:

Do they do their own laundry? Are they secretly members of their own fan clubs? Is Jeff Goldblum (for example) one of the trolls on the SDMB?

Other things:
How old am I going to be when I die? How many ashtrays would it take to hold the ashes and butts of all the cigarettes I’ve smoked? How many buckets would it take to hold all the Coke I’ve drank? (drunk?) How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? Why does my son always wake up from his nap when I’m mid-post?

“…all the prettiest girls live in Des Moines…”
–Jack Kerouac, On the Road

I wonder how much money I’ve spent on things like pinball and lottery stratch offs?

I wonder what the first guy was thinking when he ate an oyster?

I wonder if I’ll ever get this goddam year-end report done?

I wonder what OfficeGirl is doing.

I wonder why it is that some guys are truly evil, and treat women like shit.

I wonder if I’m EVER going to have sex with anyone EVER.

I wonder if the people I chat to on ICQ are who they say they are, having been burned before.

I wonder if Time Travel is possible.

I wonder what the extremely distant future holds.

And I wonder, wah-wah-wah-wah-wo-onder, why, wha-wha-wha-wha-why, she ran away, a-and I wonder, what she would sayeeyay, my little runaway. Run-runrunrun-runaway.

Hero For A New Millennium!

The Legend Of PigeonMan - updates every Wed & Sat

Thanks Mr. Thin Skin for screwing up the rest of my day.

Now I wonder if I’ll be able to go to sleep tonight. :wink:

Gee, sorry Democritus it’s just one of the thing I wonder about.

I also wonder what day of the week I’m going to die on. You know, is it Tuesday, maybe Wednesday, God forbid Sunday.

How about clocks with Roman numerals on the face. Some show four as “IV”, others have “IIII.” Why? Is it for balance with “VIII?”

Putting “IIII” as a Roman number is just PLAIN EVIL.

Guano, I chat with you on ICQ: I can assure you I really am the F1 racing driver Michael Schumacher :slight_smile:


“You know how complex women are”

  • Neil Peart, Rush (1993)

I wonder why it is that only bears are shown eating honey. Why not squirrels, or foxes?

I wonder if I’m dreaming the world. The advantage to this being true is that I’m a hell of a lot more creative than I think if it’s true.

I wonder why most people insist on lying, hiding behind masks, and playing games.

How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop?

You say “cheesy” like that’s a BAD thing.

I wonder what the people I meet today were like as kids.

I wonder where the hell everyone in this traffic jam is going, and what they’re thinking.

I wonder what would have happened had I made different decisions two, five, 10 years ago.

I wonder what the next “medium” will be: telephone, then radio, then TV, then the Internet, then… what?

I wonder how much I matter.