Things NOT to do at a hotel.

Ever heard of the word - “SELLOUT”? I have boxed/bagged many suitcases on nights when we were sold out and people would not check-out on their due out dates. It was really easy with those card-key systems, too. Also, if that woman checked in with a reservation, the rate quoted is only good for the terms of the original reservation! She should then be paying $139! I’d jerk a knot in my FOM’s head if he/she didn’t know that!

And yes, I have told people, “I’m very sorry. It is obvious that we can not acommodate your requests. Please let me refund your cash payment (if applicable) and contact another hotel for you.” And you know what? They shut-up, returned to the room and stayed for a week!

“Quoth the Raven, ‘Nevermore.’”
E A Poe

For the record, I have always lived in a country that doesn’t tip.

Everyone gets paid for the work they do, and neither expects, nor gets, any additional money from the people they provide services for.

And the world still turns, and greedy employers pay their employees a proper wage, (well, sort of), and frankly I think the whole idea of tipping anyone at any time ever is a load of bollocks.

You do your job for your employer, they pay you for it. The end.

Tipping is a stupid rule.

“Waheeey! ‘Duck!’ Get it?”
“Errr… No…”
“Duck! Sounds almost exactly like fu-”

I would have done that too ConMan, but I’m “only” the res supervisor. I have no control over how the FD conducts itself (flipping horrible IMO)and no one can control the weekend clerks-this past weekend we had 4 walkuts because the clerks don’t want to be so rude as to ask for payment anymore. Glad I’m only working part time after this month.

“On the edge of sleep, I awoke to a sun so bright…”

Sorry- WALKOUTS. This damn 21 inch monitor, I can’t see what I’m typing

“On the edge of sleep, I awoke to a sun so bright…”