Things That Are Much Bigger Than You Always Thought

Mundane and Pointless? Yes. But interesting.

15+ Things That Are Much Bigger Than You Always Thought

No. 16: My penis. Its hugeness often surprises me.

Locomotives. Only when you next to one on even ground do you realize how humongous and massive they are.

This is one reason people get killed driving across crossings with a train coming. They don’t realize how fast it is really moving due to not perceiving its size correctly.

I agree with a Wombat, I saw one in a zoo in Australia recently and was taken aback. I’d imagined them as ground-squirrel size.

The other thing is Pompeii, much bigger and far more extensive than I imagined.

My go to ‘you have no idea how big it is’ was in the video, the stop light. Until you see one laying on the ground, I think a lot of people if randomly asked would guess they’re about a foot or two tall, not nearly as tall as a person. They just don’t look that big up in the air.
Same goes for road signs. Even ones not that high like speed limit or stop signs are pretty big when you find yourself trying to move one.

One of the clips in that video show a huge earth mover next to a school bus. I live/work close to Bucyrus Erie (now Caterpillar). They make (made) some of the largest earth moving equipment in the world. From time to time I’d see a flat bed semi driving down the road with a single, enormous part on it. Like just one giant gear or just the front bucket.
Very different than when I lived near Case and would routinely see one or two large tractors (and always with a spare tire) on one flatbed.
I’ve also seen windmill blades on trucks, also absolutely enormous.

The eagle talon was the one that surprised me most. I knew they were big birds, but I didn’t have a sense for how big their talons were. Yikes.

The Eiffel Tower. Seeing it in a movie it looks like an ornamental tower maybe the size of a good-sized windmill. But when you’re standing undeneath it looking up, it’s absolutely massive. And when you ascend it in an elevator, the first level feels really high and the second level is about as high as I can go without wetting myself.

Hey, they need to be able to pick up hobbits.

The windmill/wind thingies…:smack::confused: TURBINESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS

Holy moly those things are HUGE!!

Anything about sizes and distances in space always amazes me. There was a video last year about some guys building a scale model solar system in the desert. - YouTube

On a more local level, one time a friend and I were driving through one of those animal parks. They had giraffes and zebras and things like that; they also had a rhinoceros. It happened to be standing next to the road and we drove up next to it - fricking thing was the size of our car. I knew they were big but wow.

A supernova. Well, not the dimensional size, but the amount of energy.

From the xkcd “What If?” series:

Answer here, halfway down the page:

The road sign was the one that surprised me the most.

I love this representation of the solar system:

If the Moon Were Only One Pixel

Michelangelo’s “David”. (This may have been in the video, but I never watch the linked videos. They take 15 minutes to convey 20 seconds worth of information.)

One thing that’s the opposite is the Statue of Liberty. Yes, it’s certainly big but it’s not as big as many people imagine.

A lot of people have seen the poster from Escape from New York which features the Statue of Liberty’s head lying in a street. It makes it look like the head is as tall as a ten-story building, which would make the entire statue the size of a skyscraper.

In reality, the statue is 111 feet tall from head to toe. The head is big but nowhere near as big as it’s shown in the poster.

It is.

On a recent crosscountry trip I passed a number of trucks carrying windmill blades. Individual windmill blades. A little research says that they can be 150 feet long. Each one needed its own truckand escort vehicles before and after it. (Stock photos just to give you an idea of the scale)

We visited it a few weeks back and walked up all of the stairs (to the crown). When you do that, it seems plenty tall! But I agree that it’s smaller than I had really envisioned.

I only, finally, went up to the top of the Eiffel Tower last year. Standing near it on the ground, you can appreciate that it’s huge. Going up (and up, and up) in the elevator, especially when the structure narrows around you and Paris recedes to a blur below, the sensation is distinctly Ohmygod, ohmygod, ohmygod, this is really high up! Grown-up people whimpered.