Things that have surprised you in a good way this Merry Kwazaakah

I ordered two things before Xmas online. I did not matter if I got them before the 25th, but I ordered them anyways to see how awful/good the service was.

  1. With my order from Amazon, I used the remains of a gift certificate and had another to add on. For whatever reason, the system would not let me use two at the same time. So, I was happy with only a $10 balance. When I got my books two nights ago, the invoice read for the full amount. I sent off an email last night to their customer service department and I got a response this AM stating they fixed the oversight and were able to utilize my other gift card. That impressed me.

  2. I ordered through Shutterfly some calendars for the family. I ordered them late Thursday night. I got them Tuesday night. Via UPS. Everything was perfect. I did pay for the two day service, but frankly, I didn’t expect the order to be done in a timely fashion.

  3. The UPS guy got stuck in our drive Tuesday night, which surprisingly no one in our house ( two kids and a dog) did not hear the behemoth sized truck trying to get out. He ended up getting towed by a neighbor of mine because he did not realize I was home. Two skid marks through the snow burning through the grass and into the dirt were left where he was spinning his wheels on ice and the railroad lumber peice. The driver came to my door last night and apologized. He is a very nice guy and he didn’t harm anything other than my weedy frozen grass.

I noticed this thread this morning, and chuckled cynically because it had no responses. Clearly no one has had any pleasant surprises during this magical holiday season! But it’s 5 hours later now, and you still have no replies, so I feel compelled to post. The truth is, I did get a nice holiday surprise recently.

Last Wednesday I finally figured out what to get for MrMaisy: a pair of external speakers for his iPod. DealTime and Froogle both agreed that the lowest price could be found on Amazon. Went to Amazon to order…and learned that they would be out of stock until January. But the Amazon page had a handy little notation that I could purchase them from Office Depot - for $40 less! Hmm.

I followed the link, and indeed I could buy the speakers for the lower price. Strangely enough, when I went through Office Depot’s home page, that item was unavailable, but Amazon’s link, which actually went to an Office Depot subsidiary called TechDepot, worked just fine. I even got free standard shipping!

So I submitted the order last Wednesday at about 4 pm, and the speakers arrived the next day at 10 am.

All around, the best internet shopping experience I’ve ever had. Wow!


I had an amazingly good CS experience at a local outlet store. Bought two pairs of jeans (different styles), a couple of tops, and a couple of necklaces. Got home, no necklaces in bag. One pair of jeans was torn, and when I looked at the receipt, they’d been rung up twice! So I went back to the store 3 days later. They had saved the necklaces for me with a note on the bag, and refunded the torn jeans and the over-ring with cheerful efficiency!

I had some really good solstice sushi last night. Does that count? The unagi was really good.

I got a present from my in-laws.

Which is suprising since their daughter moved out last June and plans on getting a divorce.