Things that make me laugh

it’s the kind of thing I find greatly amusing, and will laugh about for weeks on end.

How about you?

makes me laugh

Not in the least, tiniest bit funny to me.

Each to their own taste I guess.

I didn’t find it funny until I read your response. Now I’m giggling.

I’m my own favorite comedian. I had a good laugh this morning reminiscing about a joke I told over 10 years ago (made up on the spot I believe):

Me: Who should I take for my fantasy basketball team?
Friend: How about _________?
Me: Nah, he’s got a hamstring injury, his career’s over!
Friend: Well, Magic Johnson had hamstring problems his whole career.
Me: Yeah, see? Look what happened to him!
Friend: Umm…
hilarity ensues

Well, it occurs to me this should be some kind of game. As opposed to finding other things to
annoy Lord Mondegreen, how about if this was a
“The Response is a Link to a picture or video you find highly amusing, although one hopes it won’t be yet another picture of a cat with a silly caption on it, but if cats are your thing, then go for it Game.” **

for instance:

makes me laugh

Here is my makes me laugh


Here’s a blast from the past:

makes me laugh

Keep cluckin’ that chicken!

It didn’t annoy me in the least. I just didn’t find it funny. This clip however amuses me greatly.

I laughed so hard I almost tempura’ed my pants.

We had a stack of these in Iraq for when people would ask us intel analysts to perform miracles such as reading the enemies’ thoughts or magically divining certain locations.

An oldie, but a goodie.

OK, that made me laugh.

A current favorite.

I stick with the classics

What do you call cheese that isn’t yours?


Most recently, makes me laugh: the blog of the poor schmuck from the Guardian who was covering the recent Wimbledon craziness. Start reading at 3:45 pm.

With Great Size, Comes Great Responsibility.

Or something like that.

makes me laugh

zounds! they’ve shut down the site! Oh such a shame…

I have one like that, but it’s, “I have no idea what you’re talking about, so here’s a picture of a dog fucking a duck.” Can’t find a linkable version.

makes me laugh

I said say no more, relax at ease,
here at Big D’s we aim to please
cuz I got the girlies that drop to their knees
for a buck fifty and a slice o’ cheese.
I’m the King of Discount Hos…

An excellent classic indeed! More recently, but still a good many years ago, this pastiche on the Mastermind TV quiz show, featuring Barker as Magnus Magnusson and Corbett as the contestant…