it’s the kind of thing I find greatly amusing, and will laugh about for weeks on end.
How about you?
it’s the kind of thing I find greatly amusing, and will laugh about for weeks on end.
How about you?
Not in the least, tiniest bit funny to me.
Each to their own taste I guess.
I didn’t find it funny until I read your response. Now I’m giggling.
I’m my own favorite comedian. I had a good laugh this morning reminiscing about a joke I told over 10 years ago (made up on the spot I believe):
Me: Who should I take for my fantasy basketball team?
Friend: How about _________?
Me: Nah, he’s got a hamstring injury, his career’s over!
Friend: Well, Magic Johnson had hamstring problems his whole career.
Me: Yeah, see? Look what happened to him!
Friend: Umm…
hilarity ensues
Well, it occurs to me this should be some kind of game. As opposed to finding other things to
annoy Lord Mondegreen, how about if this was a
“The Response is a Link to a picture or video you find highly amusing, although one hopes it won’t be yet another picture of a cat with a silly caption on it, but if cats are your thing, then go for it Game.” **
for instance:
Here is my makes me laugh
Keep cluckin’ that chicken!
It didn’t annoy me in the least. I just didn’t find it funny. This clip however amuses me greatly.
I laughed so hard I almost tempura’ed my pants.
We had a stack of these in Iraq for when people would ask us intel analysts to perform miracles such as reading the enemies’ thoughts or magically divining certain locations.
An oldie, but a goodie.
OK, that made me laugh.
What do you call cheese that isn’t yours?
Most recently, makes me laugh: the blog of the poor schmuck from the Guardian who was covering the recent Wimbledon craziness. Start reading at 3:45 pm.
zounds! they’ve shut down the site! Oh such a shame…
I have one like that, but it’s, “I have no idea what you’re talking about, so here’s a picture of a dog fucking a duck.” Can’t find a linkable version.
I said say no more, relax at ease,
here at Big D’s we aim to please
cuz I got the girlies that drop to their knees
for a buck fifty and a slice o’ cheese.
I’m the King of Discount Hos…
An excellent classic indeed! More recently, but still a good many years ago, this pastiche on the Mastermind TV quiz show, featuring Barker as Magnus Magnusson and Corbett as the contestant…