Things that video games do to you

I’ve called people taffers before (from Thief), but they just got confused.

But then they’d take even more time ! :smiley:

Yep, had those too.

Recently I happened to find myself on the top floor of a large parking garage looking down at the streets and cars and had a Grand Theft Auto moment. Hm, which car to steal after I jump my car off this roof?

No, because right after I mezzed them, I’d kill them. :smiley:

I got into this habit as well. I’d be in church mapping out the route I would use to get to the roof.

When I play Tetris a lot, I start to see the world in shapes and try to fit things into them

When I was an oceanographer, we would fill up a U-Haul with gear and drive to meet a ship, then do the same thing to bring the gear home.

On one trip we spent a lot of time playing a 3D tetris game while we were at sea. When we packed for the return trip, the U-Haul was much more efficiently packed, with about a quarter of it’s volume free on the return trip.

I get that, too. Sometimes I get a bit confused as to whether it’s The Sims that imitates life, or life that imitates The Sims. Humans sure make a lot more sense once you just figure out which Sim traits each of them has. “Oh, Joe must have the ‘inappropriate’ trait combined with the ‘hot-headed’ trait. No wonder he was acting like an asshole.”

runs upstairs, doesn’t like what he sees

runs downstairs and back upstairs, hoping for a better result

No, life is one of those games where things are randomized way in advance, so you’d have to go back a bit, and that guy would always shoot you in the same spot and you can’t react any faster. You should burn that random roll on something less chancy, like peeing into the toilet with your eyes closed. Then go kill that guy.

Sometimes when I’m in the right sort of mall at the correct time with lots of people around me, I feel like I’m in a Roller Coaster Tycoon game because of the crowd jabbering sounds and maybe the occasional music in the background. Then of course I start thinking about happiness/hunger/thirst meters and the thoughts such as “This X is really clean and tidy!”, “X is really good value!”, and sometimes “I can’t find the (mall) exit!”

A lot of fog always makes me think of Silent Hill.

Once I “solved” a Fire Emblem map in my dreams. I know I’ve played quite a bit of a game if I start dreaming it.

That’s a thing I picked up from the Sims. You can make a Sim happy by having him take care of the basics, like cleaning the toilet, doing dishes, etc. That’ works in real life too. If I’m feeling down it helps sometimes to bang out some chores and at least bring a little order to my immediate surroundings.

I was playing a game of Civilization V the other day, and handily winning a war against one of my neighbors, when I realized I’d unwittingly re-enacted the Holocaust.

This just tickles me :smiley:

“Unwittingly”? You’re a better man than I.

I used to play WoW a lot, and still sometimes catch myself wanting to hit my mouse button and tilt the world to a more useful angle.

I haven’t played Dead Rising (the first one) since 2006, but to this day when I go into a mall at night near closing time (especially when it’s nearly deserted) I start looking around for the zombies to start appearing.

Why. I changed careers. It’s not because I got myself packed in the back of the truck and couldn’t get out or anything.

Hey, it’s not my fault that the AI founded its cities in bad locations. It’s sometimes better to start over with a clean slate.

Mirror’s Edge makes me want to climb things and jump over obstacles. Okay, makes me want to do so even more than usual. I’ll start mentally mapping routes to roofs as I’m walking. I live in the Tokyo area, so climbing up the outside of buildings is actually quite feasible in many places.

The Assassin’s Creed games don’t help.

The type of combat in Splinter Cell, Conviction fit in a little too well with my type of martial arts and tactical thinking.

What, you mean we’re not supposed to?

Conversation with a friend in a MUD, a long time ago:

Kiri - “Wouldn’t it be nice if people had ‘gate’ irl? We’d be able to visit each other any time!”
Me - “I see a problem.”
Kiri - “?”
Me - “Our mothers would have it too, it’s just level 15.”
Kiri - “OK, scratch that.”

There used to be a coin-operated game where your character, a cook, had to climb up and down ladders and walk over burger “parts” so they’d drop onto each other and make burgers. The night after one of my Orgo exams I dreamed I’d been turned into a pixelated white-coat and had to run up and down stairs walking over molecule parts to drop them onto each other… (synthetic design was definitely not my strong point).