Things that you wouldn't think would gather a huge fan following

They’re called reporters; their zines, which they call newspapers, had a surprisingly large following, considering the quality of the writing, but that’s falling off rapidly.

Fox News still calls them “reporters?”

Well, I suspect just maybe it can. Granted, I’ve hardly seen it all, but I’ve disliked all of it I have ever seen. I’d rather watch Barney the Dinosaur or something. Seriously.

There are actually pretty large political fandoms out there. I’m not into it at all, but I know it exists.

Even as a sixth-grade Star Wars nerd when the movie came out, I never got the Boba Fett love. He was on the screen for less than 1 minute, and had maybe 1 line. Why would anyone think twice about him prior to the release of the prequels? But the guys in my class loved him, his action figure sold well, and Lucas decided to make him and his father part of the prequels, for no real goddamn reason at all except that ppl apparently liked this random place-filler from the first trilogy.

Even if they do, wont’ make any difference. And someday, I predict, you’ll be grateful. I was - it helped me a great deal to move me to quit and stay quit to know that my habit was despised and reviled and harder and harder to engage in. Seriously. When I was young and it was everywhere, well, way easier to keep doing it. Then, after I quit, I was spared too much exposure.

I used to moderate a pop music forum and there were some intense, detailed and very in depth discussions about things that non-hardcore fans would never ever consider, things like which order singles are released from an album, release dates, obscure mixes, analysis of every shot in a music video, endless chart position talk etc. For music that is supposed to be one of the lightest, least pretentious genres, there are a surprising amount of people that will treat it like Very Serious Business indeed, and yes I am one of them. Before I found out that this fandom existed I thought I was the only one (aside from people who actually, you know, work for record companies and get paid to care) obsessing over all this stuff.

Hello Kitty.

'nuff said

Weird. I did not know that.

Actually ( and without being snide regarding Mrs. Palin nor those who find her attractive ) I would guess that fan-fiction regarding her might mostly run to the sorts of Readers’ Letters to porn magazines ( if they have that sort of thing on the internet ); whilst for Dr. Paul, I was envisaging enthusiastic young Texan libertarians, writing in the stilted mode of Texan Robert E. Howard, describing the good doctor roaming Texas as a modern-day Uncle Abner, a grim Texan puritan righting wrongs, solving murders, and being constantly thwarted by the machinations of servants of the sinister entity of the Federal Reserve.

Generally… being a pain.

This has been talked to death on the dope, but no matter what the smoker feels like doing, their rights should not be taken from them.

Nor should other people’s rights be taken from them.

The question becomes…what is a right? What is a privilege? If in the end two rights are equal but clash, who must sacrifice?

I think these questions have all been pretty much answered and I thought so when I smoked two-plus packs a day.

“Rights” are an illusion to begin with, but if we skip that headache and assume everyone has a right to consume a legal substance and that everyone has a right to breathe air that is free of cigarette smoke when they are in public or at work, then the right to be free of noxious smoke is the “weightier” right, for the following reasons:

  1. Fewer people smoke.
  2. Smoke is poisonous.

Pretty straightforward, really. Your “right” to smoke has not been taken away. Your “right” to smoke anywhere you feel like it probably never existed in your lifetime to begin with. (It did in mine. When I was a kid people could smoke in movies, the grocery store…in HOSPITAL ROOMS…) Everyone’s “right” to various things is subject to modification. You can’t drive anywhere you want, you can’t drink anywhere and anytime, your right to be naked is limited, etc. etc.

Add me to this.

Any supposed “badass” who gets killed through a Three Stooges scenario ain’t worth the time.

Superhal, stoid, this is Cafe Society, not GD – take the smoking hijack elsewhere, please.


twickster, Cafe Society moderator

They dropped off into cult land about a decade ago. And even then, they were never “huge” in the way that Korn, Limp Bizkit or Eminem were in the late 90s.

But I love how every year or so, a writer will put out a story about ICP as if they were then (and still are today) one of the biggest bands in the world. It even happened to Frontline.

Dude, just look at him. He’s totally badass! I was a huge Boba Fett fan from the moment he appeared on screen, and I’m not even sure why. Maybe it’s because he talked back to Darth Vader? Could it be the jetpack? The fact that he actually captured Han Solo?

It is a mystery.

High School Musical. You have to remember it started off as just a made-for-TV Disney flick with a bunch of no-name actors.

Well, you have to check this out then:

Set off my sarcasm alarm

He had a cool outfit and didn’t he have some wrist mounted weaponry? That’s kind of cool to a 10 year old.


I can’t understand why anyone watches or plays Pokémon past the age of 13. Yet a lot of the adult friends of my girlfriend (who is strongly entrenched in the anime culture) are big fans of it. It’s obviously targeted toward young children.