-I always play a male
-I’m a hoarder (plus I collect some items. For instance every gemstone existing in the game, or every type of sword, or whatever else)
-I generally try to make a jack-of-all-trade character, with some level of competence in combat, magtic, thievery, etc… as my first character. Genreally not a good idea.
-If the game allows you to be an alchemist or make potions, I’m a sucker. I love picking up stuff and mix them up to see what it results in.
-I rarely use powers, magical weapons with charges, potions, etc…just in case I would need them more later. So, typically, I haven’t used them yet when said power/weapon/potion becomes outclassed/useless.
-I can’t play evil, since I feel bad for the NPCs. Anyway, few games are made in such a way that playing evil is equally interesting, and the options are generally rather psychotic killer massacring people for no reason at all rather than unsensitive jerk who doesn’t care about the outcome of his actions as long as they benefit him.
-Instead of playing one game, then another, etc… I generally start a game, play for some time, start a new game with a different character and picking different options, play for some time, start a new game with a third different character, etc… So I end up with several games, one I’ve barely begun, one where I’ve done the first quests, one where I’m well advanced in the game, etc… The result is generally that when I’m fed up with the game, I didn’t finish it with any of my numerous characters.
-I deeply dislike saving/reloading, feel each death is a failure, and that reloading prevents the game from being challenging (you don’t have to wonder whether you should really try to enter the lair/embark on a quest since you can reload anyway). As a result, I’m overly cautious, and generally impose to myself limitations, like paying an amount of money for each death, or limiting the number of deaths I’m “allowed to”. As a result, I dislike games where it’s mostly impossible to play without being frequently killed. Oblivion, for instance, with its ennemies who level up along with your character, since you can’t really choose to be cautious, all monsters being always seriously threatening. The only thing I can do is to pick the easiest level of difficulty.