Things you can't believe you ate as a kid.

I once ate a whole pie crust - just the raw crust - when I was young. The only thing I can think of by way of explanation now is that I thought it would be sweet and yummy like graham cracker crust. It made me sick as anything, and I can’t eat normal cooked pie crust to this day without feeling gross.

I knew the paste eater (there is always a paste eater), but I never had the desire to try it myself.

Let me get this straight. Margerine? Check! MSG? Check! Whoa Nellie! And you’re still eating this?

You, sir, are a madman.

My favorite sandwich when I was a kid were what I called “angel sandwiches”

Cool Whip & White Bread.

They were just so soft…

Salted Chips Ahoy cookies.

Mmmmmm …

Pickled pigs feet

Cannibal sandwiches-raw hamburger patty with onion and ketchup-I ought to be dead.

Sardine and mustard sandwiches

Sugar sandwiches-two slices of bread, mayo and sugar—mmmmm good

Adventurious81 wrote

You’re not kidding, are you?

Interesting how lots of these childhood atrocities were sandwiches. My brother used to like white bread with Miracle Whip and marshmallow fluff. How much whiter can a sandwich be?

I liked elbow macaroni with canned tomato soup mixed in, bread & butter and molasses or bread & butter and sugar, fish sticks, and sardines.

My mother used to make a dish we called bologna cups. You fry the bologna until it curls up, put the curled slices in a muffin tin, fill the cups with canned creamed corn, put some mashed potatoes on top of each and bake until the potatoes were brown. She also made tuna fish wiggle–canned tuna and peas in a white sauce poured over saltine crackers. Hey…where’s that recipe thread? I think I’ve got some contributions to make!

::hissing sounds::

Holds up fingers in sign of the cross.

I ate a frog when I was 1. Now I am petrified of them

I so badly want to know if you’re willing to try to eat another Frog. :wink:

As for me, I used to love those little Vienna sausages. I think that’s as weird as I got as far as food is concerned. I can’t really remember eating anything on par with some of the things mentioned here.

Flour and sugar paste, dried salted caterpillars, fried termites(ok, these were tasty actually, sort of like pecans), and a live mouse(once).

:eek: I will not be able to sleep tonight after reading this.
Bologna Cups and Tuna Fish Wiggle—my new nightmare monsters!

When I was a toddler, I used to eat tiny red bugs that crawled along the windowsill in my room. I have no idea what they were. All I remember was that they were sour and spicy, and that my big sister freaked when she caught me eating ‘em. Apparently, I called them “Deet-Deet Bugs”. I told her that I liked them. She used to trot this story out for all my friends to hear as I grew older.
I forgot all about my bug-eatin’ ways until I read your post.
I can’t believe I’m gonna post this.
::hits SUBMIT::

I don’t know…I think I could find something for you to nibble on, Crunchy.

I used to eat cat food. Actually, it still isn’t half bad.

You are too much of a trollop to eat!! I wouldn’t know what I would catch - Think I might file for virtual divorce!!

[sub]Unless of course you can think of a way to seduce me to stay with you[/sub]

The weirdest thing I ever ate was skunk cabbage. It was a lot like ** Zumba’s ** story in that someone dared me to eat it, I did, (it was gross!) then when I started to tell my babysitter about it, she started to freak out, so I didn’t tell her. Then I thought I was going to die.

As for weird food substances, I used to eat toast with peanut butter and cheese. I haven’t had it in years, but I imagine it would still taste pretty good. My sister used to eat toast with peanut butter and raisins. That’s probably good too.

I used to just eat spoonfuls of Quik chocolate powder, whenever Mom wasn’t looking.

And I used to eat flour, too. I still prefer uncooked dough to cookies most of the time. At least once a month I will bake cookies because I’ve got a hankerin’ to munch on some dough.

As for weird eats, though, my husband eats the weirdest crap EVER. His latest was a sausage dipped in whipped cream (he doesn’t recommend this). He’s also been known to partake in chocolate-covered bacon.


The following may be lost on those who don’t know baseball (or never saw Pride of the Yankees starring Gary Cooper) The bits in parentheses are supposed to be echoes.

[Lou Gehrig farewell speech]
Today (-day [sub]-day[/sub]) I consider myself (-self [sub]-self[/sub]) the saddest Frog (frog [sub]frog[/sub]) on the face of the Earth (earth [sub]earth[/sub])
[/Lou Gehrig farewell speech]

Ok, wyldelf, give me a bit of time and I will devote a thread just to you…

(my italics)
NO! NO! NO!!! I don’t wanna know how.

I once ate three dye tablets that I found in an Easter Egg coloring kit. Even then, I knew it was wrong, but for some reason, I just had to try it. Then, after I’d tasted the green tablet, I had to see if the red or the yellow tablet tasted differently. I remember the yellow tablet tasted faintly of mustard. With 20/20 hindsight, I can deduce that the yellow tablet therefore contained turmeric, key ingredient of the cheapo mustards my parents used to buy. The composition of the red and green tablets remain [Robert Stack]an Unsolved Mystery.[/Robert Stack]

Worst thing I can even think of that I ate as a kid was an elephant leaf plant. For those who are not from the South or Asia, these are large green plants with long stalks and the leaves look like Elephant Ear. Hence the name. I was sick for a week. BTW: They taste bitter and salty.

As for real food I was a Vienna Sausage and Potted Meat freak. I loved that stuff. Most of my tender elementry years were filled with lunches like this. I also enjoyed Peanut Butter and Mircle Whip Sammiches. I still like that now.

Other than that my stomach doesn’t handle any thing that is super weird. Now I eat Crackers and Blue Cheese dressing. Mmmmm…

Butter… I used to sit under the kitchen table and eat the butter with a spoon. I also loved pickles and miracle whip on white bread. You take a whole dill pickle and wrap the bread around it…yum!

Duke, dude! I absolutely must ask, did it all come out technicolor in ‘the end’?

thinks back to then Let’s see…

Raw potatoes. Don’t ask me why but whenever Mom would peel potatoes for supper I would nab one and eat it. (Isn’t that a sign of some sort of deficiency?)

Molasses sandwiches: Cooking molasses poured on a slice of bread then squished against another… I used to love those. Maybe I should try it again.

Syrup sandwiches: see above

Rhubarb peels: We had a rhubarb patch in our backyard so what I would do is go pick some then peel off the coloured outside (I didn’t like the sour taste) and I would eat the peel and leave the rest.

Fried Bologna: simply that… bologna fried up

Chocolate Dipped Ripple Potatoe Chips: Very yummy… melt some chocolate and dip in the regular ripple chips… either eat while the chocolate is warm or cool off for later. Y’know those chocolate dipped pretzels? I was eating those too before they sold them commercially. [Homer Simpson] MMMmmmmm Salty sweets[/Homer Simpson]

Moist Quik: I too would put Quik in my milk (mainly chocolate I hated strawberry) and stir it up but I would add tons of it so that as I drank the milk would be chocolatey but the bottom would have a thick layer of chocolate goop on it. Eventually I wised up to what I was doing and would simply take a spoonful of Quik and dunk it in milk without sumping it them I would eat it off the spoon. From there I went to putting Quik in a mug and adding just enough milk to make it goop then eat it. Too bad there isn’t any Quik in this house. :frowning: Maybe I should buy some…

That’s all the weird things I can think of that I ate.