Things you hate the feel of

We have a nubby carpet on the floor at work. Before the kids do journals they get to suggest “journal exercises” which make them warm up their hands. I can’t rub the floor, really, it just makes me feel terrible when I’ve tried. Luckily I’m pretty good at pretending so only one kid has ever noticed that my fingers aren’t quite touching the floor.

And what is that stuff sweaters are made of, chenille? I hate how that feels, so greasy…

Another vote for wooden spoons and the like. Ugh.

Also, I hate the feel (and sound) of a hand running across cotton bed sheets (as if to smooth it out while making the bed). Gah, that makes me all oogy. Yes, oogy.


Ox tounge I love the taste, but the feel of the outer skin of the tounge makes me retch - so I don’t eat it.

Dry skin - my face gets really dry, and sometimes, usually after I get out of the shower, my skin feels like it’s stretched too tight across my face and is about to just snap, yuck.

Also, when I get to class and sit down - and the chair’s already warm.

And, how your hands feel after eating cotton candy - sticky and kind of gritty at the same time, and if you rub your fingers together, grime actually balls up, blecccch.

Cats licking me. I also hate the feel of couscous in my mouth.

As a kid I enjoyed carving pumpkins into jack-o-lanterns, but I hated the feel of having to yank the guts out from inside the pumpkin, yeechh!!

As a cat lover I actually enjoy the feeling of a cat’s tongue licking my hand or my chin (though I do wash afterwards). As for a dog licking me, euughh. It’s so much wetter and sloppier and it smells worse.

I could probably eat a banana if it weren’t for its texture. That mooshy feeling they give me while trying to eat them makes them unpalatable.

Wooden Spoons! My hands dry out and start peeling within seconds of touching them. Same with the little wooden sunday spoon.

I’m on board for the cat licking, paper towel on teeth (I can’t even think about it without shuddering) and really dry dishtowels. They are my own personal hell.

I’ll second the styrofoam, cannot drink out of them and the thought of them squeaking against my teeth…ugh.
Also, I cannot touch those thingies you throw in the dryer to make clothes softer and smell better…that stuff on my fingers drives me crazy.

Other than that, I am really pretty normal…really…well, I do like to sit in a yoga-like position when I shower, but other than that, I really am normal…really.

The powder left on your hands from inserting them into a new pair of plastic gloves (kitchen or doctor kind). Same thing as the powder that they put on the inside of balloons. Heaven forbid one should pop and that stuff gets on your lips!

Greasy hands, like when you wash dishes. And then you hand stinks like grease even after multiple applications of soap and scrubbing. Boy do I hate that.

Geez papertiger. I have the exact same dislikes as you! I can’t even peel potatoes until I’ve put some water on them.

Stickers on the skin. I’m sure what exactly it is about them but it is completely disgusting to the point of true phobia. If I feel something on my bare leg I would much rather look down and see a big hairy spider than a bananna sticker that came loose and stuck to the skin. Where ever it was stuck just feels wierd and I keep thinking about it and getting a totally ooky feeling. And those little girls who run around like a fair with stickers on their face creep me out so bad I have to force down the gag reflex.

The feel on your hands after you take off wet latex gloves. All icky and gross. My chemistry class was horrible because I’d always end up having to wash out the glassware and my gloves would end up soaking wet.

Dusty chalkboards…well, just the feel of chalk dust in general. It sends shivers down my spine. Yuck.

Raw chicken. Ewwww…I refuse to cook that. The texture is just slimy and nasty. Other meats are okay, but not chicken.


Rice. I don’t mind the taste at all, but I have a really hard time eating it. Something about it makes me think of maggots (not that I’ve ever eaten those).

Anything extremely dry. The feeling on my palms makes me feel like I can’t breathe - it’s making me ooky just thinking about it.

Wet shoes. After stepping in some puddles once, the bottoms of my feet swelled up so much that it was extremely painful to walk. Ouchouchouch ugh.

Ditto with the dry skin, particularly my hands. I have many bottles of skin lotion strategically placed both at work and at home, in my car and my purse.

When people take a piece of paper and slide it against interior latex paint. Ugh, can’t stand it, but luckily it isn’t too common.

I can’t stand the feel of silky underwear – all of mine has to be cotton, both bras and underwear.

Velvet – yeesh. Same for polyester flame-retardant stuff – like little kids’ pjs are made of. My God, I hate the feel of that stuff!

You people have mentioned some things I’d never have thought of. Especially you wood wimps.

The worst feeling in the world is having to get dressed when you’re not completely dry from the shower.

I have spoken.

I’ve always hated wooden popsicle sticks (and tongue depressors)… those wooden paddles are right up there too…
