Things you take for granted that other people make a big deal over...

Inspired by some of the posts in the “Everyone should ______ once in their life” thread, it got me thinking, what are some of the things in your area you take for granted that other people seem to make a big deal over…

for example;

i live about 10 minutes from a few beaches, Short Sands, Long Sands, York Harbor, Wells Beach, Ogunquit Beach… you get the picture, i can understand the fascination for landlubbers, but don’t see what the big deal about “The Big Blue” is, it’s big, it’s blue, it has waves, and it’s pretty, what’s the big deal :wink:

maybe it’s because it’s essentially in my backyard, but i spend less time on the beach than i should, i figure it’s always there, what’s the hurry, it’ll be there if i need it, it’s not like it’s going anywhere…
(you get what i mean, right?)

when i lived in Vermont, did that every weekend i went skiing, this one i do sorta’ see the fascination with, being able to see miles and miles into the distance, yes, i know that New England mountains are actually smallish hills compared to “real” mountains, but the basic concept is the same…

maybe it’s because i live in New England, and foliage season happens every year like clockwork, but i really don’t see what the big deal with foliage season is, the leaves turn colors every year, what’s the big deal, why are so many people interested in looking at dying leaves :wink:

…and also the fact that leaf-peepers annoy the frell out of me by clogging the roads and driving at a crawl, just to gawk at dying leaves, if you want to look at the pretty leaves sans clorophyl, then pull over to the side of the frelling road and get out of the car, you can stare to your hearts content and not block traffic in the process…

…just make sure you avoid the zombie leaves that come out at night and hunger for fresh BRAAAIIINNNS!! :wink:

so, what local things do you take for granted and wonder what the big deal is over them?

In Savannah, we have a large Victorian District chock full of old houses (100+ years). I say meh to all of it, but it does draw the tourists.

I was born and raised in Las Vegas, and could not see what the big deal was with casinos. Still can’t see what everybody sees in Vegas, even though I now live in the Midwest.

I’ve never seen what the big deal was about bilingualism. Some people from away hear that I speak both of my country’s official languages and they look at me like I’m the second coming of Christ.

I’m just blocks from Lake Michigan, I didn’t go there once last year. Doesn’t seem to be that fascinating.

I know some people come from different states to visit Great America (Theme park in Gurnee), I say meh to that to.

Wisconsin Dells (about 3 hours away from me). I’ve never been there once, and really don’t care to either.

The Northern Lights; they were pretty impressive last nights but I couldn’t even be bothered to go to a darker spot to seem them better. It sometimes amazes me that people come here from all over the world to see them but, then again, they do tend to be quite… erm… pretty.

Yeah, ditto–the Yanks especially seem to think I’m some type of freak wunderkind just because I speak six languages (it’s really not that impressive on this side of the world).

I pretty much take volcanic eruptions for granted (we had one just last November) but I do understand the “big deal factor” there so that probaby doesn’t apply.

Getting up early to watch the sunrise. Did that for several years. Sunsets are way prettier, anyway.

Back in Buffalo, Buffalo wings (they’re just takeout food there - although now that I’ve had them here in Manhattan I sort of understand why people get so excited about real Buffalo wings) and Niagara Falls.

California in general. When I was in Rome, Italians were fascinated when they learned I was visiting from California. I simply could not understand the fascination…it’s just expensive, dirty, yucky, overcrowded, polluted, noisy “home.”

Disneyland. It seems like any time anyone comes within a three-hour drive of here (I’m maybe an hour from Disneyland) they want to go there. Unless you’re under the age of, say, 12, I really don’t see the attraction. It’s got some rides, some big mice, and some overpriced food. I guess you should do it once in your life, but I never go anymore, probably in part because I know I COULD go anytime.


I freakin’ hate snow!

But talk to someone from down south, someone who has never had snow, never seen snow, never tasted snow, never made a snow angel etc. and you would think every winter was just a big festival of cold up here in the Great White North.

Well let me tell you something about snow. It’s cold, it’s wet and the clothes you have to wear to keep warm and dry are bulky, uncomfortable and itchy.
But try to explain it to someone who has never worn a touque for warmpth and they get this glossy eyed look in their eyes and go “but, but it’s all white and fluffy.”

Oh yeah, and that “Winter Carnival” they have in Quebec every year, you know the one with the ice sculptures and the skating on the lake and the big, goofy looking snowman mascot. They don’t hold the carnival because they like winter. Oh no, they do it because the rest of us Canadians hate the damn season and anything we hate they automatically have to love. It’s in the constitution, look it up.

Oh yeah, that and the Liberals gave them sponsorship money.

Stupid, giant, anomorphic snowman.

Earthquakes. I’ve been living here for 15 years, and unless it’s strong enough to move the furniture, they don’t excite me. People new to the area freak out if they see waves in the water cooler or the cords for the window shades start tapping against the window frames.

<mock snobbishness> I live in New York City. 'Nuff said. </mock snobbishness>

I can see the Golden Gate Bridge (and San Francisco, and the bay) from my apartment. Also from the park where I walk my dog. And from a lot of places around here. Sometimes I remember that for many people, this is a wonderful and amazing thing. Then it becomes wonderful and amazing for me, too. :slight_smile:

You took my answer! :smiley:

I hardly wake up for one anymore. Unless it tosses the cat out the window, I just roll over and snore.

Well, holeeee shit! I’ve been referenced. :smiley:

In my defense, I want to say that the times that I actually saw the ocean, I wasn’t overcome with tears or a quasi-orgasmic feeling. It was there. I was there, looking at it. The thing is, I find it kinda sad that my best friend has never seen a body of water bigger than a lake. He’s 46.

Having lived in the Midwest and now out here on the South Left Coast (we have three seasons–rainy season, sunny season, smoggy season) I have to say that I almost desperately miss the turning of folage. There’s something just absolutely gorgeous about red, yellow and brown leaves. 'Course, once they fall, and all you have left is the stark blackness of slumbering trees outlined against the featureless cloud-socked sky and realize that it is going to stay that way for the next five months, the pleasure disappears faster than a magician’s assistant.

What I don’t get, 'cause I wasn’t raised to celebrate any of these things, is the hurrah over birthdays, graduations, and (most) holidays. We did Christmas and Thanksgiving (sort of), and I’d usually get a couple of presents from one set of grandparents on my birthday and a shirt or something from my parents, but that was it. Nobody gave a rat’s arse about my high school or university graduation, and in general, unless I was dying or under arrest, no comment or ceremony was made of anything I did. Winning first prize at science fair didn’t even qualify for an ice cream cone. So, while I (mostly) understand now that people like to hold festivities in honor of mileposts and achievements, I can’t say that I really get it. Yet another reason I’d make a lousy parent.


heh, sounds like we New Englanders have you beat, we have five seasons…

Mud Season


Does it have to be geographical? Because most of the things I take for granted that (some) other people make a big deal over are personal.

I take my husband for granted.

Until my dad died, I took him for granted.

I take the rest of my family for granted.

I’ve got a great family. Do I appreciate that? Not nearly as much as I should.

I take my job for granted.

I take my standard of living for granted.

I’m just an ungrateful snot.

Along the same line as earthquakes… What’s all of the hullabaloo over tornadoes? You can always tell someone that’s not from around here - when the sirens go off, they are inside unlike all of their neighbors. I’ve lived here my whole life (Only 21 years, but still, you get the idea) and I have never seen a tornado in person. My two uncles (one of which is Starving Artist) used to go driving around trying to find them, and they have never seen one either!

They are pretty easy to get away from, too. Just go underground.

Now earthquakes… those scare me.