Things you used to be able to do

I used to be able to do (first year) calculus in my head.
I used to be able to do a bunch of physics stuff that I’ve never needed to use since then.
I used to be able to read palms (well, not accurately, but I remembered what the lines were called and stuff).
I used to be able to spend eight or nine hours online without getting bored.

I used to know Morse code. I used to know basic calculus. Ahh, how skills atrophy when we don’t use them. I’m working on re-acquiring the Morse code skills, though.

Walk a tightrope and juggle up to five balls.
Jog five miles and barely raise my heartrate.
Smoke only when I went out of an evening.
Eat a big meal without wanting to nap immediately afterwards.
Pull a long 50-50 grind - I’d lose my kneecaps and probably most of my face if I tried anything like it now.

Toot my own horn.

(Great skill for a young gay kid to have.)

I used to be able to put both my legs behind my head. :eek:

[li]speak fluent Spanish[/li][li]present in front of 5000 people without batting an eye (probably still could, but haven’t tried in several years)[/li][li]anything math[/li][li]party all night and still be completely productive during the day[/li][li]wear a size 2[/li][/ul]

I used to be able to:

 pay all of my bills by writing three checks
 go out and run three to five miles and still be able to walk the next day
 walk around barefoot... across gravel even
 burn all of my sick days without considering whether or not I would ever really need them
 catch and throw frisbee better than most
 find good radio
 play basketball better than most
 believe people were actually interested in my stories about uninteresting events in my life
 wonder what middle age would be like

Standing, hold my left foot with my right hand, and jump through the loop it made with my right leg.

I used to be able to whistle through my ears…

That’s right! Everyone would would cheer me on and say “Do it again, c’mon! do that whistling through your ears thing”

So I’d do it and be met with peels of laughter from my onlookers. Years later my mother confessed that nobody else could hear the whistling but me!!! That’s why they were laughing!!!

Not impressed…

I used to be able to talk myself into making 10-mile training rounds five days a week. Trying the same now could very well kill me.

I used to be able to solve the Rubik’s Cube in less than 60 seconds without fail. I need at least twice as long now.

I used to be able to talk french and italian well enough to make myself understood there. It’s probably there still, somewhere - but it’s covered under so much dust it’s irrecognizable.

I used to be able to feel entirely happy on rare occasions.

I used to be able to remember all my passwords, PIN codes etc. without writing any down. Got out of hand around the time the amount passed fifty or so.

I used to be able to come four times a night. I don’t really miss that though since I last much longer now, and given the proper skills the getting there can be every bit as good as the climax.

I used to be able to go through a day without wearing glasses. Now I’m blind as a bat without them.

I used to be able to eat meals twice the size I can stomach now.

I used to be able to fit enough reading time in a day to get through a book or two weekly. Now I’m lucky to get through two per month.

I used to be able to see something good in everyone.

I used to speak Spanish pretty well

I used to go through the better part of a bottle of Cuervo, then get up and go to work at 6am

I used to know the Latin names of most of your common aquarium fishes

I used to be able to recite E.A. Poe’s “The Raven” from memory

I used to be able to work 12 hours, go train horses for another two, then get cleaned up and go out with friends for the night

I used to be able to jump horses while riding bareback

Recite the periodic table from memory.

Find and name nearly all the constellations in the northern hemisphere. Now, I can do the dippers, Orion, and Cassiopeia.

Speak basic functional French. I’m sure if I were dumped into a total-immersion I could force it back, however.

Play the violin. Again, if I were forced, I could probably handle at least part of a hoedown.

Bench-press my weight. I don’t think I can anymore, since a) I weigh more, and b) I’m a lazy bastard.

I used to be able to see my toes.