Think of your Arab-American friends

There is certain to be a blind and ignorant backlash against any and every American of Arabic extraction on account of this horrific mass murder that has happened in Manhattan.

I have just gotten off the phone with a fine woman named Mariam, a Palestinian born in Bethlehem who now lives in my area of Missouri. (She is Christian, not Muslim, and as devastated as any of us over this despicable crime, but bigots don’t care about such fine details). I offered, if she should be harassed or threatened and the police should prove unhelpful, to come visit and stay with her; which I will do, with my shotgun and pistol in tow, should some racist coward choose to seek revenge for the WTC attack against a helpless old woman.

Those of you who have friends similarly at risk, I encourage you to offer what help and support you can. This dastardly attack was aimed at all Americans, including those Arabs who have journeyed far and sacrificed much to make America their home. We need to fight back together, all of us!

After all the rumblings after the OKC bombing, when people were screaming Arab terrorists, campus security took it upon themselves to make their presence known today at OSU, even though there was no trouble or hint of it on campus.

They and the local police are increasing patrols around student housing just to be on the safe side. Again, before there has been even the faint smell of trouble.

They don’t want any trouble for our foreign students and they aren’t going to let any get a chance to happen, by god.

People are very concerned about that here. As BunnyGirl has already pointed out, we’re home to the largest concentration of Arabs in the United States. The messages and vigils around here have made mention of not jumping to conclusions. I stopped by my favorite Chaldean-owned convenience store twice today, to chat and spend a little cash. :slight_smile:

the clerks at my favorite convenience store are Arabic. I don’t hold anything against them. They’ve been in America for 20 years, they had nothing to do with it. Most Arabs in the U.S. are fierce fans of freedom, we shouldn’t confuse them with the middle-east Arabs.

Muslim-Americans Fear Backlash

I live in Michigan, and has already been pointed out by Cranky and Bunny there’s a huge population of Arabs here. Lots of them here in Flint, and several where I work.

I’m frightened for them. Especially since we still don’t know who’s responsible. The people who actually carried this out are dead–there’s no prosecuting them. All we can do is go after the ones who set it up, and the people who are harboring them. Not innocent Americans of Arab descent.

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE!!! There are many middle-east Arabs and other Muslims that are pro-American. There are also quite a few who hold a serious grudge because of our relationship with Israel. Most would not wish this on their worst enemy. Most are rational folks, just like most of us [sub]normally[/sub] are. And there are whackos [sub]like some of us are[/sub]. Almost no place in the world, no religious group, no ethnic group, no nationality, is of the one size fits all type. There are good people and bad. Everywhere.

Why do you suppose some of these “fierce fans of freedom” came here in the first place?

The mentality of all middle-east Arabs are bad is the same type of mentality that allows a few middle-east arabs to believe that all Americans are bad. This justifies, in their twisted thinking these sort of actions. For us to think the same way can be the same dangerous sort of twist to our thinking that is going to cost parents and children in other countries, regardless of blame.

Its just not that simple. Its a shades of grey world.

This is something that frightens me very badly. There is a woman of Middle Eastern nationality working at my daughter’s grade school. And when I saw those horrible pictures of people dancing in the streets of Palestine, all I could think was, “There are kids who are going to see this and all that will register with them really is that Mrs. ____ dresses like those people.”

We like to think we live in an enlightened age, but when racial epithets are tossed around for no good reason, how much worse will it be when people think they are “justified”?

Not confirmed, but I have heard that there is the same sort of jubilation in some immigrant Palestinian communities in New Jersey – folks dancing in the streets, tossing out sweets, and so on.

I know this isn’t representative of all Arabs or Muslims in the United States, but still, images like this only reinforce the belief that “they” are against “us.” I really want the media to focus on the reaction from the Arab-American community, if only to thwart those would would retaliate against their fellow citizens in ignorance.

My neice’s father was Lebanese. She looks for all the world like she’s from the Middle East.
I pray to God that she isn’t experiencing the horrible things I have heard of elsewhere.

Back when Desert Storm was going on I worked at a very large store(begins with W). The husband of one of my co-workers visited her at work wearing his National Guard uniform. Now, he has dark curly hair and rather pale skin, looked, now that I think of it, like Saddam Hussein. A little girl, who had obviously seen TV news, saw him and asked her mother “Is he an Iraqi soldier?” Even kids can get scared.

I’m a bit worried too. I live in an area with a large Moslem population. I noticed that none of their kids were outside by themselves, the only time I saw them they were being led by their hands by their parents. I hope their fears are unwarranted, I like my neighbors.

I’ve been bouncing from site to site this morning - I read somewhere, and now cannot find it, that there are reports of thugs in New York attacking ethnic-looking taxi-drivers.

Having spent most of the day walking around NYC, it seemed that there was no such antagonism. Street vendors and cabbies of Arabic heritage did not seem to be subjected to any form of harassment whatsoever. It would seem that these bands of thugs are not the rule.

This was actually one of the first things I was worried about this morning, as the shock began wearing off. I don’t currently have any arab friends near me, but I have two friends I met here in the states that are both Palestinian nationals, and while I don’t currently know where they are, I am worried for them, and all the others like them, out there. Most of these people are just people, like the rest of us. They’re just trying to live their lives, and are grateful for the freedom and opportunities that America has provided for them. But I expect that many of the American people may not bother to think about that, as demonstrated by past history. I just don’t know that there is anything that the more rational among us can do about it. Thinking about the possiblities is almost as depressing as the tragedy itself. I know I’m just as angry as many of the rest of us. I want to make the monsters that did this to us PAY. But I want to make sure that it’s the people who are responsible who are paying, not innocent victims that happen to fit the bill for who we thing MIGHT have done it.

And hi, everyone. This is my first post. I wish it could have been for a much happier reason.

I am very glad to hear that.

The more I think about it, the more fucking pised off I’m getting with the media for showing that one clip of Arabs (Palastinians? Pakastanis?) celebrating. I KNOW that most Arabs are not having a fiesta over this, but that’s the only clip that I saw all day of Middle East reaction.

The Shiite faction is a small percentage of Islam. Most Arabs did not want to see this day.

I also posted this in the World Reaction thread but thought it appropriate here as well:

I solicited input from a friend I worked with in Saudi Arabia. He is a Jordanian of Palestinian origin, his family fled from Palestine because they were uprooted. Here’s what he had to say:

Bolding is mine. I wish the Media would realise, or care, that what they are doing is incendiary and helps to create the problem that they report. It is not balanced.

Shalom, Shibb

This is being reported on the local news:

While I certainly agree that nobody should be hunting people of middle-eastern descent at this point, let me also please urge you not to go find the one Saudi Arabian guy in the building that you’ve never even spoken to before and tell him how much you realize the terrorists don’t represent him or the majority of “his people”.

I’ve actually seen people who I think believe they are doing a good thing do this. It’s embarassing for all involved.