this is now

Thanks! It’s the same with the rest in my workplace, where I swear they recruit from prisons or insane asylums!

Tell your boss to stop stealing my best employees!

You sure a funny kid, Ana… but I like you.


What is “//”?

// = quote break?

The bit I don’t get is this:

It kind of popped up there, right in the middle. The “…” seemed to indicate that the following paragraph would explain why Ana felt that way. Somehow it was never mentioned again though.

Well, I think she was just harkening back to the days of the free-associating beat poets of yore.

That was like a carnival ride without the height requirement.

I think I talk to her every time I call Ameritech.

Me, I just read it in Grandpa Simpson’s voice… :slight_smile:

“Maybe if you pulled your ass out of her '‘sexy’ ass, you might notice the shit in your Austin Powers hairpiece, you stingy Cock!”

He wears a hairpiece on his ass? And he sticks his ass in some chicks ass?

Pictures Now!!! :wink:

Heh heh… there’s a butt inside that chick’s butt. With a butt on it.

That’s a squirrel, you dildo.

No, Beavis, that’s a hairpiece.

Yeah. Right. That guy’s got a hairpiece on his butt.

I’m in heaven.

Sorry, it’s a bad habit. The // is my way of separating what I type after a person’s quote, to seperate it from my response. I’ve just been on too many email groups where I can’t figure who said what in reply to whom, so I made the // to indicate where the last person’s quote ends and my response begins.

Big deal.
The problem is easily solved by having your husband sleep with your boss.

No need to thank me, that’s why we moderators get the big bucks.

At this level of quality and subject matter, I’d like to recommend the OP consider using livejournal :wink:

I’ve considered it! But would all Doper’s come visit? Doubt it!:wink:

Yet another piece of evidence proving that booty is more powerful than any qualifications one can list on a CV. :stuck_out_tongue:

Exactly! My thing was this: my boss could’ve just said that we weren’t hiring, that the ecomony was slow, ect. But to tell me my husband couldn’t be considered for emploment because he was my husband, pissed me off to the highest.(hey, you think you’re confused, how do ya’ think I felt?!) And my bosses’ comment about “…the husband and wife thing doesn’t work out” at the workplace is total vomit-mixed-with-bile. His paid-for-bitch is in the next room, three feet away, but I can’t have an application ~looked~ at. Besides, we have many “couples” working there. He was being a rude that’s all.

Exactly! My thing was this: my boss could’ve just said that we weren’t hiring, that the ecomony was slow, ect. But to tell me my husband couldn’t be considered for emploment because he was my husband, pissed me off to the highest.(hey, you think you’re confused, how do ya’ think I felt?!) And my bosses’ comment about “…the husband and wife thing doesn’t work out” at the workplace is total vomit-mixed-with-bile. His paid-for-bitch is in the next room, three feet away, but I can’t have an application ~looked~ at. Besides, we have many “couples” working there. He was being a rude that’s all.