This is so gross. Help me please.

The photos don’t look like a typical fungus infection or like a typical insect bite. The photos show what looks a little like a poison ivy reaction but you say “I know it’s not poison oak or poison ivy.”

Did the spot (or does the spot) either flake or “weep”?

Another thing that can cause a red, swollen, itchy patch on the skin is a drug reaction. Some drugs taken orally can cause what is called a “fixed drug reaction” which can look something like what is shown in the photo. Another thing to consider is that people often get bad reactions to things that they use to treat their rashes, making their rashes get worse and last longer.

Well, since I have posted the OP, I have made a VERY careful attempt to not aggravate it in anyway. No itching, rubbing, etc etc. And it’s starting to look better. I would post pics, so all you concerned Dopers could see for yourself, but I don’t have a photographer right now.
Hopefully it’ll continue to clear up.
Thank you all for your suggestions. I’m going to go to a doctor Thurs if this bad-boy doesn’t clear up.

On the offhand chance it is some sort of candida infection (ie yeast), start consuming some Lactobacillus/Acidolpholus, or if you dont like chewing pills, eat a lot of LIVE-culture yogurt. This would still remain my advice if your Dr said it was a 'yeast" and gave you something for it. Or when/if you get one, in the usual place.

Oh, and GO SEE A DOCTOR, reddish rashes are very hard to diagnose.

It’s probably that new flesh eating bacteria.

      • It looks just like when I get poison ivy, and I know that I don’t have to touch it to get it. It’s possible to get poison ivy from only being exposed to vaporized oil, such as from a fire in which poison ivy plants are burning in. This happened to me once a year for several years in a row, during the fall when people wre burning yard waste everywhere. It has a certain smell when burned and if I could smell it, I’d usually come down with it. -And I’m no hypochondriac; most of those years that was the only time I needed a doctor at all. I have to get prescription medicine to get rid of it; the OTC poison-ivy medicines don’t do sheet for me.
  • No, silly, the signs of that are 2nd day:exhaustion, 4th day:widespread bruising and 5th-6th day:vomiting black sludge. There is no 8th day symptom.
  • MC

looks like leprosy. You must wear rags, go to a leper colony, wear a bell, and cry “unclean” to warn travelers away when you’re begging. More information can be found in Levitticus.

I vote impetigo (sp?)

I vote for using a razor and shaving your legs!


Chiggers? I get them on occasion and they itch and burn like crazy for about two weeks. Usually they don’t climb higher than my knees. They do seem to climb higher on my friend (to his waist :eek: ) and last about a month.

A couple of years ago, I sat too close to a heater and got a heat rash. I kept irritating it, apparently scratching it at night when I slept. I had this large, ugly rash on my shin for about 9 months. Finally got rid of it by bandaging it with a “fake skin” bandage (a water-saturated covering, I think).

Hope you’re feeling better and ditto on seeing a doctor.

Uh, Whammo, when I want advice on my physical appearance, rest assured, you would not be the person I come to.
And thanx for the clever remark. You sound just like my grandfather.