This Just In...Fox News Channel is bunch of lying fucks

Same goes for Trumpywumpy’s favorite call-in program.

I watch. The News Programs are so biased and creepy they need their own thread which I have been thinking about starting for years.

Panels are curated for maximum right wing nuttery and mimimum balance. The Dems on these shows are not actual democrats while on the network. It’s a shell game where they know they are supporting propaganda. They are not allowed an actual left point of view. They just help provide a fascism-friendly both sides message. Any debates are phony show garbage.

I am so fucking tired of Brett Behr being called real news or fair. The man is not stupid and he knows he is pimping bad stuff to the public.

In fairness, many of us thought George W. Bush was a shoe-in for the worst President in US history until the Cheeto-Faced Shit-Gibbon stunk up the Oval.

So … in comparison to those who come after him in evening programming … Bret Baier is Walter Cronkite.

Yeah, they are fond of having people like Alan Colmes (RIP, I didn’t hate him) and Juan Williams as token “left”.


That is all.

Intentional pun?

There must be something akin to a Freudian malapropism.

Which is definitely going to be my story for this one :slight_smile:

So should I be quaking in my shoes imagining who the GOP will come up with for their next POTUS?

Who do you prefer, Fucker Carlson, Ron Deathsantis, or Ted (no nickname necessary) Cruz?

I really feel the loss of Wes Craven right now.

He, above others, may have had the insight necessary to tell us whether The Original Ghoul really is dead, if he still lives, or if there’s another character – even worse by design – a few pages ahead.

Ha. I was right there. Things change. Now we know. What’s the floor here?

But the potus change was over a length of time and made real world change.

Beihr is teeing up the prime time lineup every day, serving up prefascist stuff and normalizing it so the later shows seem more reasonable. Pretending balance. He knows it too. I just don’t know what he thinks about it.

He is curating his show just as much as any of the others, towards the Fox message.

The GOP is a death cult. Of course he doesn’t care.

Yep. I suspect he must be at least a bit of a vaccine skeptic to pitch his tent so centrally in that camp.

But no, he never gives a second’s thought to the well-being of his audience. The whole premise of the show – “get angry about stuff without getting bogged down with facts or evidence” – relies on him never having such thoughts.

The rubes exist just to put him on a pedestal, and are his inferiors anyway.

Fox may care that their ratings star is working hard at killing their viewers.

Replacement viewers are born every minute.

Hell, completely setting aside the never-ending flow of new young people, Fox & Friends Fellow Travelers are working hard to manufacture new adherents 24/7/365.

We don’t know what the upper limit of their audience / adherents / zombie horde is, but we have no particular reason to think they’ve already converted 100% of the convertible.

Minor nitpick: Use of the term “skeptic” to describe antivaxers (which I see occasionally in news reports) seems like an appropriation of true skepticism which is founded on critical thinking and systematic analysis. Lumping the likes of Tucker Carlson together with (for instance) staff and contributors to Skeptical Inquirer is unfair. “Antivaxer”, “denialist”, “dishonest opportunist” and “loon” are considerably more accurate descriptions of Carlson.

/off soapbox

Yeah I was just using one of the standard phrases, but you’re right, now that I think of it, The use of the word skeptic devalues the word at a time when we need real skepticism more than ever.

“Opportunistic lying asshole”

Well-paid Opportunistic Lying Asshole.

Who knew scoundrelry could pay so many so well?