Let’s say, for a second, that I decide to be a DJ on a radio station. I look around, and notice all the claims of “No-Repeat Workday” or “No-Repeat 9-5”. And yet every day, they play the same stuff. Well, I can do better, I say.
In my radio program, there will be no repeats. Ever. If I play a song, be it Mozart’s Symphony No. 5, Andrew Lloyd Webber’s Music of the Night, Van Halen’s Jump, Outkast’s Hey Ya, or David Wise’s Snakey Chantey, it will never be repeated again on my show. However, as seen above, I am not particularly picky. This radio station will not be limited to any genre or era. If it is music, it can be played on this station!
Now, of course, no radio station is composed of one man’s program. There’s a morning Zoo show, an evening Coast to Cost contracted out to some far-off station, and the ever-present commercials. Let’s figure that my program runs from 8 AM to 8 PM. I have no hard numbers for commercials, but my guess is about 3 minutes of commercials for 10 minutes of songs. Let’s say 1/3 of the program is non-music, allowing time for me to announce the songs coming up. That’s 8 hours of music a day.
So the question is: Can this program run indefinitely? If not, when will it end?