Three bumper stickers seen recently

“My kid is Iraq, but he is actually an adult volunteer and couldn’t be sent there by me” (Sorry Michael Moore)

Maybye they were holding the car together…

…and was praying that the adhesive did its’ job?

Mech E, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, and I may not have been perfectly truthful in my posts in this thread.

I’d wager it was someone who thinks “Mother Nature” is some New-Age Pagan concept. :rolleyes:

Too bad you can’t stick one underneath that reads, You voted for Bush, so blame yourself.

Amen, brother. That is indeed a stupid-ass bumper sticker.
Also, I wonder how many people out there think it’s

“God, Bless America” (the imperative)

and not

“(May) God Bless America”.

It is customary to ask God’s blessing, but never phrased as an instruction.

“My child serves in Iraq, thus I can say demeaning things to you and your family”

– yeah that’s a good message. I would like to meet someone who thinks that message is a good one so I could do a case study on them"

I give our troops mad respect. But that bumber sticker is downright insulting.

More likely, you kid is in Iraq because you didn’t help him or her get into college – and is serving as a means to party in college one day.

In my 800-odd posts (or is that 800 odd, no hyphen?), I have never said this. But I have to say it now:

You owe me a new keyboard!

OK, that oughta hold me for the next year and a half.

I second Lily. That was damn funny, Ethilrist.

Maybe you could put a note on the car saying, ‘…then I’m sure you won’t mind that I dented the door’, retire to a safe distance and watch the owner looking for the non-existent damage.

It’s official. I am now queer for Mangetout.

DUDE! I didn’t know you went to RPI! Me too! Biomed major, class of '04.

And I have to say that I did more than my share of partying. For being the giant nerd school that it is, it has a pretty good social scene.

The treasure in heaven bumper sticker reminds me of a scene from Futurama,

[imagine a large, space-pirate ship “sinking”]
Space Pirate: Arr…too late I realize my children are my only real treasure.

Apparently, he’s planning on voting for the flag this November. I’ve said before, “Anyone would be better than Bush,” but even I think this might be going a bit far.

The stupidest bumper sticker I saw was during Gulf War I or the Gulf War or Operation “Free Kuwait but Leave the Guy Who We Claim is the New Hitler in Power” or whatever the fuck it’s now called. The bumper sticker said, “Support Our Louisiana National Guard Troops”. Support our troops is nice, short and too the point but goddamn, whoever made that motherfucker needs to learn to generalize.

Anyone know what’s “Carrier” I see some 80’s POS buick? around town and the back must have at least 6-8 bs’s all with dark blue or black background and white letters saying “carrier”. All I can think of is the A/C manufacturer, but then again this is a POS car in the slums of town so maybe he means he is an HIV carrier?

How does everyone like this one:

“Safe sex is in the palm of your hand.”

My friend put that on my car. The bastard.

Could he mean he carries a gun?

How do you feel about: “God help America”?

I personally like that one

I knew it!

I was about to write an outraged post about your generalities that liberal arts majors are the party animals, and not engineers. That sure wasn’t my experience! But anyway, my fellow musician Avabeth beat me to it.

About those bumper stickers, they’re about as a good a warning label as the symbol for toxic waste. Keep your distance!

How about: “God help us all” I like that one.
On a side note, I never understood “God save the King”. It always sounded to me like a pessimistic thing

Re Mother Nature versus Father God, I was talking to a friend of mine who was a regular church goer, and we were talking about dieting, etc.

I said something along the lines of, “water is what nature intended for us to drink.” And she said, "I don’t really believe in the concept of “nature.” (Or something to that effect). So I thought about that for a few seconds, and then realized what she meant, and said, “Well, God, then.” And she said, “Oh, alright.”