three songs

Take a Walk on the Wild Side - Lou Reed

Disco Inferno - ?

and, sadly

Hotel California - The Egos

Since I don’t know what you’re getting at, I’ll just go this way:

Three Songs I Love (plucked randomly from the stack of CDs currently in front of me)

Sullen Girl by Fiona Apple
Moondance by Van Morrison
Red by Sister Soliel

Veni, Vidi, Visa … I came, I saw, I bought.

Hmmmm…a mysterious topic, but here goes:
Smells like Nirvana (Weird Al)
Amish Paradise
Grapefruit Diet
(all by Al)

I’m very lucky. The only time I was ever up shit creek, I just happened to have a paddle with me.
–George Carlin

Zorba the Greek theme

When Granma played the Banjo

You Make me Dizzy Miss Lizzie

where do we go with this?

Hotel California is by the Eagles.

I’m betting he hit “New Topic” instead of “Reply” on the “three songs the represent the 70s” thread.

Stuck in the Middle with You-Stealers Wheels
The Sky is Crying- Stevie Ray Vaughn
Get it On (Bang a Gong)-?

You’re probably right, Kat, but this is GREAT! Let’s keep it going!

“Pablo Picasso” by the Modern Lovers;
“A-Reet-A-Voutie” by Slim Gaillard;
“Daddy’s Home” by Shep and the Limelites.


I Got a Brand New Pair of Rollerskates (unknown)
Boogie Shoes
Escape (The Pina Colada Song)

I’m very lucky. The only time I was ever up shit creek, I just happened to have a paddle with me.
–George Carlin

Oh my goodness…someone else who knows who Slim Gaillard is! Woohoo!

Sorry, I didn’t mean to start a new thread. I meant to respond to the thread about which three songs most typify the 70s. Oops.

Born To Run - Bruce Springsteen - classic rock anthem

Shake Your Booty - KC and the Sunshine Band - IMO the all time most mind numbing disco song. Why did folks listen to this stuff?

Boogie 'Till You Puke - Root Boy Slim and the Sex Change Band - A personal favorite from the 70s.

BTW I Got A Brand New Pair of Rollerskates was by Melanie.

Cement mixer, putty, putty…
I know Slim.

Plunging like stones from a slingshot on Mars.

Ah, but did you know that the sheet music for Gaillard’s “Flat Foot Floogie” was one of the items buried in the time capsule at the 1939 New York World’s Fair?

And that his children’s song “Down at the Station” supposedly inspired the Thomas the Tank Engine series?

– Uke, who has a million of 'em

Ike: I’ve only recently been introduced to the magic of Slim & Slam, by my husband. I did not know about the World’s Fair thing you mentioned, so I asked him if he knew. “Oh yes!” he said. “Neat, isn’t it?”

Unfortuantely, he has not heard “Down at the Station.” I’m sure, though, that now he’ll be on another quest, to try & find that song somewhere.