Three year old recently started occasionally repeating the last word of a sentence: "I want to go over there…there…there. Doesn’t fit what I would consider a stutter or echolalia. Does it have a name? Is it developmental or idiosyncratic? This child has been speaking amazingly well for awhile, so I am not worried as much as curious.
My five year old daughter does this occasionally. I think she’ just having fun with the words and annoying the parents is a nice bonus.
Our daughter repeats the first word of a sentence a lot when she’s tired or excited, usually it’s her own name “Brooky, Brooky, Brooky wants an iceblock” and the like. I’m kind of curious too.
Hot damn. I’m going downstairs right now to teach the Dudeling to say: “I’ve got to concentrate…”
Right, she does it mainly when she is tired or excited as well. Yours the first word, mine the last. One of the two must be dyslexic.
Kurt Vonnegut called that echolalia, in Breakfast of Champions, and used it to exquisite effect. But perhaps he was taking liberties with the term. Wikipedia says it’s echoing what was said by others, not repeating the last word (which is the effect used in BOC).