I wish I could get that thing on a t-shirt! It’s hilarious!
I wish I could get that thing on a t-shirt! It’s hilarious!
Hi, Quasi, did you mean to post this in a different forum?
I’m going to guess so and move it to CS for you.
One assume he means the illustration for this week’s SD article.
Oops, my mistake then. I’ll move it back.
Edited the title to show it’s talking about a Straight Dope article.
Yes, thanks and sorry I was vague.
So shouldn’t it be in “Comments on Cecil’s Columns” rather than ATMB?
Why yes, it should.
Moved from ATMB to CoCC.
If it is rephrased “Can I get this on a T-Shirt?” can you move it to General Questions?
[sub]I’m just trying to make the rounds[/sub]
Hey, you think this is April 1st or sumfin’ ?
If it is rephrased “Would this look good on a T-Shirt?” can you move it to IMHO?
[sub]I’m just trying to continue making the rounds[/sub]