Ths Week's (Firefighter) Cartoon [on the SD article]

I wish I could get that thing on a t-shirt! It’s hilarious!


Hi, Quasi, did you mean to post this in a different forum?

I’m going to guess so and move it to CS for you. :slight_smile:

One assume he means the illustration for this week’s SD article.

Oops, my mistake then. I’ll move it back.

Edited the title to show it’s talking about a Straight Dope article.

Yes, thanks and sorry I was vague.


So shouldn’t it be in “Comments on Cecil’s Columns” rather than ATMB?

Why yes, it should.
Moved from ATMB to CoCC.

If it is rephrased “Can I get this on a T-Shirt?” can you move it to General Questions?
[sub]I’m just trying to make the rounds[/sub]

Hey, you think this is April 1st or sumfin’ ?

If it is rephrased “Would this look good on a T-Shirt?” can you move it to IMHO?
[sub]I’m just trying to continue making the rounds[/sub]