Tiger vs. Wolf: Who wins?

The wolf, if it has a shotgun.

Do you guys not get the surprisingly interesting Discovery Channel show Animal Face-off, where they make steel and computer models of animals and then pit them against each other? They had a Siberian Tiger up against a Grizzly Bear - I think the tiger won, but it was a good challenge. If a tiger can beat a bear, it would have no problem with a lone wolf.

If this actually happened, the wolf would likely be smart enough to decline battle. Given the lack of cover and the speed, maneuveribilty and keen senses of a wolf, the tiger (whose hunting style is ambush rather than chase) would have a hard time closing. If it did, it would easily prevail.

Only Lone Wolf McQuade.

Right - as are wolves.

They typically kill about twice a week. There’s usually not much of a fight involved - they ambush an animal, leap on its back and get a grip on the throat that causes strangulation. They take care to hold the animal so its feet on on the opposite side, so the hooves can’t do them any damage.

Not sure what “flip out” means in this context. Tigers are rather deliberate and controlled in almost everything they do.

Ah, so tigers have Real Ultimate Power, eh? :smiley:


I’m putting my money on the wolf. Remember how relieved Jules was when Marsellius told him The Wolf was coming to get him, Vincent and Marvin’s headless body from Jimmy’s garage before Bonnie got home?

The Wolf would have it wrapped up faster than you can say “Dead Tiger Storage.”

Psst! Xema! Go here

Link to in-joke, dude.

I’m not even sure about the gorilla. A gorilla has great strength, but without the predatory instinct, and like the wolf, does not have claws.

I think a lion might be able to take a tiger, as would, possibly, an enraged giant herbivore like an elephant or rhinoceros, or the largest bovines.

I doubt a wolf could take a tiger, but there have been cases of wolves killing mountain lions, according to this site:


(Scroll down to about the 6th or 7th paragraph.)

I don’t accept the premise the a wolf is more inteligent then a tiger.

wolves sometimes challenge bears for kills, one will fake an injury and when the bear chases him to finish him off, the others will attack it. tigers and other big cats aren’t built for long distance speed like wolves are, nor do they work together. a pack of wolves could wear out and kill tiger. so while a tiger would win one on one, ten wolves would beat ten tigers in a forest because they could pick them off one at a time. of course, I may be a bit biased.

I only saw this show once, but it was Lion Vs Tiger. The lion won, if I remember right, but it was pretty close. Anyway, to agree with everyone so far, there would be tufts of wolf hair in that tiger’s dump.

Just for anyone’s information, check the show out here:


I definitely agree, but in all honesty, my obscure reference to something Gareth said in “The Office” has been missed.

This is the same coworker who was convinced that the police won’t arrest someone on acid. Needless to say, he is slightly mistaken from time to time.

In real life though lions are predominantly social creatures while tigers are lone predators (I think?), a pride of lions versus one tiger wouldn’t be that much of a fight.

Also to whoever posted further up I think in general zoologists say pack animals that live in their little animal societies are more intelligent than lone animals.

I don’t think an elephant would have great difficulty killing a tiger.

A tiger would not be wise to take on a porcupine, or a giraffe, or a rhino, or a hippo, or a croc or alligator in the water.