"Til Murder do us Part" on Netflix: Did Soering do it?

I graduated from UVA in 1983, a year before the events in this story. Charlottesville seemed such an innocent safe college town back then. Sadly so much has changed regarding that myth.

As depicted in the documentary, the violent nature of this awful crime and the two UVA students accused of the murders generated massive interest then and I think the general consensus was that Soering killed the Haysoms. But after watching the disturbing 4-part series on Netflix I have to wonder if there is at least a slight chance that this general consensus was wrong.

I still think Soering did it. Yet there is a slight doubt. And is this slight doubt of guilt a reasonable doubt such that the conviction should not have happened? I’d be interested to know what others think. As it is, listening to a probable murderer telling us over and over he did not do the crime is disquieting indeed.

Anyone want to share an opinion?

I just finished it- I think they both did it and the expert that said they were both telling the half truth but leaving themselves out of it was the most likely explanation. Both truly awful people - unfortunate for the parents that they ever met.

I agree. It almost doesn’t matter the exact details because I think it is proven that they both conspired to commit the crime. Still, the unanswered questions and the less-than-stellar police work makes it impossible to tell what really happened. I don’t think we can tell now what is true and what is just another self-serving lie.

And that they are both walking around free now is unsettling.