Tila Tequila, you so crazy

I have no medical/psychological training, but aren’t rants and writings like this a symptom of someone with schizophrenia? She’s 32 and from the bit of reading I’ve done, it usually begins at an earlier age. Some googling seems to indicate that she’s been displaying this behavior for a few years, though. There’s also the drug use to consider.
I know there are others on here that have experience dealing with and treating mental illness. I would be interested in hearing what they think about this story.

As noted, she had an aneurysm a year ago. If it turns out I’m making fun of a person who has actual brain damage, I’ll feel guilty.

Meh, she’s famous for being an attention whore. If she’s a completely insane brain damaged attention whore, then there’s just more to laugh at.

She’d like that.

I don’t see that she claimed that she was the one who had been murdered… :eek:

I have to think that the people who competed on Tila Tequila’s dating show a few years ago are reading all this crazy bullshit she is writing and thanking their lucky stars that they managed to get out of it unscathed.

It’s a sign of a bad relationship when you feel the only person who could have understood what you’re going through was Eva Braun.

I think you’re thinking about Kinky Friedman and the Texas Jewboys. And I believe he’s from Austin.

When I saw the subject line, I thought this was a zombie thread from 2004 or something.

How do you differentiate mental illness from bad performance art?

By asking if she is getting paid for what she writes.