Time for another "Tomndebb, grow the fuck up" thread

Link: http://boards.straightdope.com/sdmb/showpost.php?p=11558812&postcount=54

I did explain, in sufficient detail for anyone using good faith, how it is in fact central and indispensable to the topic of the thread. You were wrong to first claim otherwise, and far, far more wrong to get pissy about it and try to shut off discussion instead after having it explained to you.

Perhaps a little vacation from the board might help restore your perspective a little.

You’ve made me agree with tomndebb. Darn you.

"BushAndCheneySuckAndAreTorturers, Part MMCMlXII, has nothing to do with ACORN.


There are plenty of brands of decafe available and plenty of other boards where you can post. Those other boards, however will be far less tolerant of telling a moderator to grow the fuck up.

Perhaps a little vacation from the board might help restore your perspective a little.

Seems to me that you’re the one blowing a gasket here.

Inappropriate title for About This Message Board.

Secondly, you’re simply moving your battleground from one forum area to another, and that’s not appropriate either.

You can complain about what the staff does – and ATMB is the place to do it – but not like this.

I’m closing this thread. If you wish to start a thread with legitimate complaint couched in civil terms that’s fine. But not like this.