Time to change your sig (the votes are in)

I nominated myself for “tallest male” because I was sure that such a sleepy sub-catagory would net me a win, or at least a single vote. I guess I should have voted for myself. (mope mope mope…)

Sweet Basil (sulking)

Didn’t get voted for a damn thing!
(thanks guys…)

::: Cheering wildly ::: I think we all need to thank Opal for devoting her time to the voting. I’m sure it took a lot of time and energy. Thanks Opal, for making this all work.

Same here. Whoever voted for me for youngest poster (I’m 14), thanks.

:: :puffing out lower lip:::

Whadchu talkin’ about, Mullinator.

I hadn’t even realized we were voting - I’d thought that had closed down somewhere around 1/31 - 2/1. But enough of that.

I didn’t win anything, but in the categories I placed in, it was, IMO, like sharing second with Sosa behind McGwire in the one category, or finishing second behind Ken Griffey Jr in the other. I guess I must’ve been making more sense than it seemed at the time.

Second Place (tie), Most Valuable Poster (GD)
Second Place, Best Scientific/Expert Explanations (GD)
Not that it’s gone to my head or anything.

I can’t BELIEVE I didn’t win anything.

Oh sure, you pricktease, give me hope so you can break my heart again.

sobs theatrically and peeks to see if Burn is watching

Live a Lush Life
Da Chef

Didn’t we establish in the original thread that I was actually shorter than you? Well, I see that I came in second place, so I guess I will have to console myself with that.


“The dead have risen, and they’re voting Republican!” - Bart Simpson

thanks Opal for all your hard work…

and to all those stick-in-the-muds who gave you a hard time… PBBBBTTTTT :stuck_out_tongue:

I really try to be good but it just isn’t in my nature!

I am recovered from my shock well enough to give my speech now.


First I would like to thank OpalCat, without her hard work I wouldn’t have had a chance to win this award.

Without her, this award would not exist. So Thank you again Opal.

I would also like to thank WallyM7 and Daniel P. B. / Bosda Whattheheckever for allowing me to play off thier totally innocent posts. I couldn’t have done it without you guys !

To all the men I have flirted with here. Thank you for allowing me to flirt with you all shamelessly.

" The opposite of love isn’t hate, it’s indifference."
Elie Wiesel

Winner SDMB Biggest Flirt (Female) and Least Shy (No Mom, I have no idea why they think that)

This makes me a surveyor? Do I get to hold one of those sticks with marks on it and smoke while Joe is somewhere with the telescope-thingie?
thanks folks, I’ve never won anything except a coffee maker.Even that was my wife, really, come to think of it.

Good grief, I actually won something! Uh, where did I put that speech? Oh, here it is…

I’d like to thank my mother and my father for passing down the height genes, and whoever posted the “rednecks” quote on the door of their office so that I could steal it. I’d also like to thank my special effects people who through the magic of computer editing, made me sound like a poster who stands two inches taller than she does. Also, thanks going out to anybody who nominated me for any category (and I know that there were more than one of you, because my name was spelled differently every time.), and everyone who voted for me in the “funniest one-liner” category, your checks are in the mail. If you put your ear up against your mailbox, you can even hear them bouncing. And finally, I’d like to thank all the little people whom I stepped on on my way to the top, figuratively, and literally. Oh, yes, and thank you God. Heh, that last one oughta keep everyone suitably confused for a while…

That was fun. I think I’m ready for my Grammy now. Heh heh heh. And you thought Fiona Apple was bad…

An infinite number of rednecks in an infinite number of pickup trucks shooting an infinite number of shotguns at an infinite number of road signs will eventually produce all the world’s great works of literature in Braille.

Neatio! I won something! And I’m quite flattered at that. Aw…y’all really want to date lil’ ole me? :::blush blush::: Even my s/o thinks it’s awesome. “I’m with a desired woman!”

I do hope it wasn’t my Oral Sex Techniques thread that won me so many votes, though… And hey, I wonder…does this mean manhatten and I should date each other?

And I’m tossing s’more gratitude in Opal’s way…I thought it was all rather fun. :slight_smile:

Poster You’d Most Like to Date–Female

Voting? Election? Survey? Whisky? What? What election? Did I miss something?

It matters not whether you win or lose; what matters is whether I win or lose.

Why no “Funniest Poster” catagory?

It matters not whether you win or lose; what matters is whether I win or lose.

Your wife is a coffee maker? Call me old-fashioned, but with marriage, I don’t like to see any mixing between the animal-vegetable-mineral categories…

Where’d you win her at?

Second Place (tie), Most Valuable Poster (GD)
Second Place, Best Scientific/Expert Explanations (GD)
Not that it’s gone to my head or anything.

Why Cheffy, I didn’t know you cared!

Voted Biggest Smartass by all you beautiful people!

You always use violence. I should’ve ordered glutinous rice chicken.

Thank You, Thank You. . . (WTF, You people are loons!)

I want to thank everyone who chose to vote for me, (checks are in the mail) although I have no idea how I made it to the top in so many categories. I’d almost suspect ballot stuffing except that I can’t see the point. (There is, I suppose, the luck of timing: if a poster took a few days or weeks off as the voting began, folks may tend to forget him/her.) I can see where I would take “Most Rational in the face of heated argument.” I try to work at that. (I generally pretend I’m explaining management’s shortcomings to management.) OTOH, there are so many posters who would contend for “Most Knowledgeable” (especially in the different Fora) and I certainly get corrected often enough to raise questions in my mind about “Most Reliably Accurate.”

This was a pretty silly exercise (although there were some fun categories), but I do thank those who were silly enough to toggle radio buttons next to my sig.


Fickle fuckers…

What is this, term limits?

I no longer feel loved… :frowning:

Yer pal,

Quasimodo in a thong, are you people totally deluded? Uh, well yes, but that isn’t what I meant to say…

The only category I had hopes of winning was “tallest female” even knowing full well NTG is a bit taller. (There weren’t categories for flattest feet, wore braces the longest, etc.)

“Friendliest” was mind-boggling enough, but “Most Valuable On MPSIMS”?! Though on typing that it occurs to me that it ain’t exactly winning the Nobel in Physics either. In all honesty, you must collectively be out of your minds. First for not giving the honor (hmmmm) to UncleBeer etc. and second for thinking for for a skinny minute that I’ll live up to it.

But blush, dang and gersh, folks, it was a suprisingly touching ego boost. So many thanks to all, and even more thanks to Opal for devising and carrying through on a helluva fun diversion.

Does this mean I’ll have to start having a sig now?


Well, Veb, you can have a sig if you want, but look what happened to me. I won a prize for it. Which is fine, I have nothing agaist winning awards, but… Before, I was someone with a neat sig line, but now I have a standard to maintain, and I’m not sure if I can handle the responsibility… The burdens of success, what can I say?

An infinite number of rednecks in an infinite number of pickup trucks shooting an infinite number of shotguns at an infinite number of road signs will eventually produce all the world’s great works of literature in Braille.

Wow- believe it or not, I’m actually touched by this award
“Most Empathetic Zette”

I have done a lot of work on myself and my personality over the years, and it wasn’t long ago that most people who know me would have laughed at the idea of me giving empathy. I really appreciate the thought, everyone.
“I feel your pain!!”

“If I had to live your life, I’d be begging to have someone pop out both my eyes. Just in case I came across a mirror.” - android209 (in the Pit)
Voted “Most Empathetic”- can you believe that?