Time to yenter about all the upcoming Wii games again

This is an intensely complicated statement. It’s not like I care whether it’s scarier than System Shock or anything, but the dystopian, steampunk nightmarish fare was pretty much the entirety of the game’s concept before the GI article. If it has good gameplay, and a good story I’ll play it regardless. I don’t care how “dark” it is from a critical standpoint, but if it’s not at least slightly disturbing then it’s more or less a bait-and-switch from the concept art (which, I suppose, is why it was an art leak and not an official release).

I really don’t want nightmares from a Mickey game, that decaying robot with 6 heads was a little ridiculous, but right now it looks like they lifted the models from Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, made them look slightly “off” and then dropped them in an environment with the gamma turned down.

If he says there’s darker stuff than has been shown though, I’ll listen. (Also, I hope that if this game is even a minor hit they make a ride for it in Disneyland/world)

No way they’ll announced a NSMBW sequel–it’s far too soon, and the original’s an “evergreen” title; a sequel would only eat into its future sales.

In all likelihood, the Mario game Martinet referenced was likely the rumored Mario Party 9.

I know. But a guy (who’s not at all interested in the Mario Party games) can dream can’t I?

How dare you waltz into my thread all high and mighty and post something that makes perfect sense that I happen to not want to hear?

I have less than 0 interest in Mario Party.

The Prime series is done, but I really hope we still get another first-person Metroid. The controls were so smooth and perfect on the Wii, it’d be a shame not to make another, and be able to get away from the the “OMG Phazon sux!!” storyline of Prime.

And I’m less than as excited as I should be about Other M. Granted, I’ve seen just that tiny sliver of gameplay, but the cut scenes that have been released make me go,
“Oh great…the Japanesed the fuck out of it.”

Red Steel 2 is looking pretty cool, even though I didn’t play the first one.

My friend got a demo of Monster Hunter Tri and he said it was awful, but I’m hoping it was either super-beta or our tastes are just that different, because this trailer looks insanely fucking awesome.

What’s the new Metroid game coming up look like? Are they going 3d again? Cuz’ all the 3d Metroids I’ve tried so far, Prime1, 3, and Hunters, sucked. I’d love to see another 2d one though, especially if they don’t ruin it with pointless cutscenes like they did with Fusion.

NBA JAM :smiley: I must now get a Wii.

I played both Megaman9 and 10. The individual levels were harder in 10, but the castle was way easier. I’m not sure which I like more.

Is NBA Jam going to be a Wii exclusive? If so, that alone will sell systems. People (including me, and I don’t even like sports games) are VERY nostalgic for that game.

Metroid Other M is supposed to be some blend of 2D and 3D, I think. Justin Bailey or Red Barchetta can probably explain it better.

Right now NBA Jam is Wii-exclusive. I wouldn’t be surprised if 360 and PS3 versions appear, but nothing is official yet.

Ask and ye shall receive:

“Metroid: Other M will feature 2D side-scrolling gameplay by holding the Wii Remote sideways like an NES controller. But players will also be able to switch into a 3D first person mode (and turn the Wii Remote into a light gun in the process) to take out the alien lifesuckers.”

Am I right that the way they want you to control Monster Hunter Tri is with the Classic Controller? If so, I think that’s awesome. I always get so frustrated when a person or a developer says “oh, that game just couldn’t work with the wiimote.” The Classic Controller is just as capable as Xbox/PS3’s controllers, if I’m not mistaken. It might be down the L1/L2 buttons (?) but come on. Pretending it doesn’t exist is silly. If MHT is a hit with it, it could really cause a paradigm shift.

Indeed. In fact, the classic controller was redesigned to become the Classic Controller Pro primarily just for this game (it now has handles, and improved button/joystick locations).

So is it fair to assume that, if this is a success, we’ll be seeing a lot more Classic Controller [Pro]-oriented games? Are there any in the works? Maybe more ports from other systems?

That’s what I’ve heard, though I’d pay real money for a 360 version.

Well that sounds horrible. Sucker that I am I’m still probably going to end up buying it.

Really? I think the trailer looks awesome, but maybe that’s because I don’t normally like Metroid games.

I haven’t watched any trailers but it sounds awfully like one of the MegaMan games where some parts were 2d platforming and others were 3d. And that was terrible. Only this sounds worse as there aren’t any shoulder buttons or enough action buttons on a sideways WiiMote to make good 2d Metroid gameplay. I imagine it will end up playing like Metroid or Return of Samus. And while good for their time their gameplay doesn’t hold up to the later games in the series due mostly, but certainly not entirely, to limited buttons. The NES one also suffers from floaty controls common to NES games but that’s unrelated to my concerns here. Unless they go all New Super Mario Bros. Wii on it and gimp the controls seemingly just for nostalgia’s sake.:rolleyes:

Whatever ends up happening it sounds disappointing. Super Metroid is, in my opinion of course, the single best executed game ever. And it’s looking less and less likely there’ll ever be a worthy follow up. Zero Mission is the only one that’s even been in the same ballpark.

What do people think of Sin and Punishment 2? For that matter, has anyone played the first one?

What does ‘to yenter’ mean? When I google it, this is the 4th search result.