Today was supposed to be a good day. We were going to the pediatric utologist to have a quick circumcision, and then it was all going to be over. No more Children’s Hospital Oakland, no more special doctors, no more bubblegum antibiotics, and no more snake wearing a sweater- just a happy boy with a well-trimmed penis.
It didn’t work out that way.
After the proceedure, Tinleberry went into shock. He came back pretty quickly, and we went home. Gave him some tylenol, even though he’d had a local during the proceedure, and let him have a nap with me in bed. A few hours later he woke up very fussy. DrLoveGun went to change him and came tearing back into the bedroom and told me to call an ambulance.
Tinkleberry’s penis had sprung a severe bleed. DrLoveGun took Tinkleberry in the ambulance to CHO, and I followed by car. I packed a bag before I left, the contents can only be described as “random shit and a toothbrush.”
We spent several hours at CHO. Tinkleberry bled through 3 diapers during that time. They put a special pressure bandage on his penis and gave him some pain meds because the pain was sending him into shock again.
Now we are home with a lot of special pressure bandages. Every time he pees we need to take the old one off and wrap a new one on. :smack:
I’m willing to trade any doper here- I’ll bathe your cat, if you’ll change my baby.
Tomorrow is doctor’s visit to be sure all is well. But if the bleeding comes back again full bore- it’s another ambulance ride for us. If it doesn’t stop completely by tomorrow afternoon- same thing.
Our next baby best be a girl, is all I’m gonna say. Penises are just too much trouble!
Oh, goodness, your little guy has been through so much!
I know exactly how you feel, as my oldest son had a very complicated, difficult, late circ (at 7 months, because of a condition with which he was born that couldn’t be corrected until he got big enough), and I was so weirded out by having to deal with a catheter for a week or so afterwards, every time I changed him.
When my little one (same age as yours, incidentally) was circumcised, I nearly passed out at every mention of it.
I agree, girls are less stress, as infants. (And think how horrified our sons will be to discover someday that we’ve been posting details about their little baby boy parts online.)
I can’t even imagine what utter, wretched hell that was. I’d have been too hysterical to drive, although perhaps shock and fear just put you into autopilot. Kind of like those stories of mothers who lift cars off their trapped kids and think about it later.
Hugs to you and tinkleberry . You’ve certainly got lots of stuff to hold over his head when he’s a surly teenager.
Aw, geez. Poor Tinkleberry. Poor you. I do hope things are alright today.
Although (and here’s me finding silver linings again) I’m really, really glad it wasn’t a replay of last time. I had the worst sinking feeling reading your thread title that he was suffering through the infection/urination issue again and was looking at days in the hospital. While this sucks, at least you know what caused it, and they know how to treat it, right?
DISCLAIMER: I in no way wish to get into a debate about the merits or lack of in circumcism, nor is this intended as any sort of value judgement, and most especially I do not wish to invoke the shade of “He Who Must Not Be Named in Circumcism Discussions”, whose first initial is “J” and the last is “T”
I’m curious, and since I haven’t been following the tinkelberry saga - is there a medical reason for this circumcism, or some other (social-cultural-religious-need not be specified) reason?
Because it sounds like the poor thing has been through soooo much…
We are sooooooo not debating circ here. Anyone who tries will get a bloody penis picture sent to their inbox. :eek:
He was circumcisized because of his repeated UTIs and kidneys infections. The theory is that the forskin held bacteria under it, and since it does not retract in infants, could have the crap scrubbed out of it every day like a grown man could. Our urologist isn’t pro-circ and actually recommends against much of the time. But in reviewing Tink’s history, decided it was the only course of action.
The docs at the ER last night told me not to feel bad about doing it, since we didn’t have much choice at this point.
This circ was bad though because he was so old. After the first few weeks, circumicsion becomes a whole new, er, ballgame. Older than 3 mos it becomes an inpatient game. He is 3 1/2 months, but small since he was a bit early, and so had it outpatient.
I blame the plastibell. I hoped they would take that thing off last night at the ER, but no such luck.
I took the Tinkleberry to the pediatrician this morning. She looked at his penis and told me it was perfect. She reassured me that we did the right thing, and that while a little blood was normal, we were looking at abnormal. She is making a note in his file about it, just in case he has any difficulties with bleeding in the future. So now we wait for his baby sized cock ring to fall off, go get yet another ultrasound for his kidneys and bladder, and hope that we have no more emergency room visits, ever.
Agreed. Let’s only have stuff which truly counts as mundane and pointless, tinkleberry . Your parents are done with dramatic and…pointful?
Anyhow, glad he’s doing better.