Or gal. Or FedEx. Whatever.
Do customers tip the person who delivers their goodies from online purchases?
I ask because the guy who brings my stuff seems pretty solicitous when he knocks on my door. But he doesn’t actually hover or anything. I know these delivery folks are paid pretty well, and he doesn’t seem to be expecting anything.
Should one tip the deliverer of packages, do you think?
I have never once heard of that before and I am a good tipper. This article says that FedEX forbids drivers from accepting tips and UPS doesn’t technically forbid it but doesn’t encourage it.
No. As an ex-cabbie, I 'm usually a pretty good tipper, in those environments that merit tipping. The courier drivers are not working for tips. The pizza drivers are.
I’m a pretty good tipper myself, but that’s at least in part for selfish reasons.
I actually get, generally, better service from the USPS guy. But he’s not as friendly. He does his job. I like that. I don’t tip him either.
I’ve given the FedEx guy cookies when he happened to show up while I was baking, but I’ve never even thought to tip them. They don’t work for tips and shipping is expensive enough already.
From my experience with chatting with delivery drivers when I worked in retail stockrooms, they are paid pretty well and have decent benefits to boot, way better than I ever got. I’ve never heard one of them mention tips. We’d give them water or Gatorade on hot days or food if we were snacking or whatever when they came, but that was it.
I never have.
Maybe if the item was big and heavy and they helped get it into my place and not just at the front door but I’ve never ordered anything like that.
I’ve never tipped a delivery driver, and we get quite a few at work as well.
jinwicked has the right idea, offer them some food or something if you have it, they’ll probably appreciate that more than the money.
“Young man, does your company permit tips?”
“No, ma’am, but if you do, I’ll lie like hell to save you!”