Tips on waking up earlier in the day?

Begrudgingly take it. 18 months of looking in my field has taught me not to look a gift horse in the mouth!

I got up at 7:30. Tried going to bed at 11:15, with much tossing and turning. I followed the advice about limiting light exposure, only to make a curious observation: there’s a whole urban jungle outside my bedroom window, with at least ten bright orange street lamps lighting up my room at night.

As stupid as it sounds, it’s never occurred to me that these might be keeping me up at night!

I agree with sandra that two weeks isn’t long enough to establish a sleep routine.

Another thing to consider is that instead of rising early to do your creative stuff, do it later in the day, in lieu of texting and surfing the internet. This requires discipline, and I’m not saying it is easy. But I tried waking up early to focus on my artwork and it was a habit that didn’t stick. I really like getting 8 hours of sleep, and going to bed before 10:30 isn’t something I want to do on a regular basis. So the compromise is that I put in 1.5- 2 hours of “creative time” in the evening.

Not everyone is a “morning” person. There’s no reason you have to make yourself be one just because this is what your friends claim to be.

If you are already up late at night and you are finding it difficult to change that why not use that time to be creative? Or if you are just drained at 10 pm and can’t really be creative use that time to do all of the other crap you have to do during the day to free up a block of time the next day. Wash dishes, put dinner in the crock pot, sweep and mop, etc. so that the next day you have a free block of time from 6-7 pm instead of 10-11 pm.