I’ve seen half a dozen “I just got fired” threads here in the last month or so, and each time I thought “man, that sucks, I HATE when people get canned just before Christmas. Well, at least I still have a job.”
It was my turn to sign them termination papers today. Downsized, layed off, etc. Ain’t life funny. And I didn’t see it coming. I guess they have really good poker faces where I work.
Don’t worry too much about me, though. I’m a Web Developer living in Seattle. Just how hard could it possibly be to find a new job? And now I have the holidays off, with pay…
Collect your salary as long as possible. If you quit, you might not be eligible for unemployment payments. If you’re “laid off”, then you will be eligible. If you’re “fired” (i.e., you do something The Company doesn’t like and they tell you to take a hike), then you might not be eligible for unemployment right away.
No! If you quit, you don’t get any of the severance package (if there is one.)
When you quit, you’ll get paid for your unused vacation and that’s it (they may walk you to the door and give you two weeks pay, otherwise you are working for two more weeks.) If you are layed off, you may get from zero to several months pay severance in addition!
Several years ago there were layoffs and I was sad I was not layed off, as I would have gotten 4 months pay! Of course, we did go IPO a few years later so that took the sting off of it for me.
I’m not feeling too secure lately either. Rumors of a 20% reduction coming, over the next few weeks.
I have mixed feelings. They could get someone to do my job for much less than they pay me. I’ve been vocal, complaining about management decisions. And much of my work could be subcontracted. (And I hate winter commuting.)
I just don’t like the method. Immediately walking people out of the building, like they were caught boffing the boss’s wife or stealing parts.
Why not give people a chance to train a replacement? Do they really think we’d sabotage something, and ruin the likelihood of a decent reference?
Sympathies to everyone who’s been canned recently. I’m almost looking forward to it.
Unless, of course, you already have something better lined up.
Johnny LA, sorry I don’t have any connections I can throw your way, but I’m pretty new up here. I’m kinda counting on my former co-workers to help me out (they seem pretty supportive, and it’s a small world).
This really hurts, right before Christmas. Here is a virtual Spire Mountain Cider toast to you finding a job you love, that pays twice as much as the first one!
But first, maybe you should take a little break to enjoy this “balmy” PNW weather!
PS…I had a feeling that this was coming, that is why I am allowing you to slaughter me in our current Scrabble game. It never hurts to give a friend an ego boost!
ren, I got a “thanks, but no thanks” e-mail from Microsoft today.
We have a new V.P. for our department, but now the department director has decided he won’t support my position in the Bothel office.
There is a “Program Analyst Senior” position I’d be a good fit for. The previous occupant of that position worked out of the Bothel office. The V.P. of that department says the woman was able to work from Bothel because she was already there. If I want it, I have to stay in So. Cal.
No word from WAMU yet. I e-mailed HR there on Friday.
I hope you have better luck than I’ve had. I know you will be employed again soon!
I don’t doubt you’ll be able to find something else when you’re ready. Maybe now you’ll be able to get some free time for your music.
And if you’re really stuck for finding something, I could use a good mover, drywaller and carpetlayer in a month or so …
I’m working at a Seattle startup, so I understand the atmosphere (although management swears up and down that they’ve almost cleared the next round of funding).
I checked with my company’s Web guys, and unfortunately we’re not looking for more Web folks just now.
But they assure me that the market is good.
I had good luck at http://www.hotjobs.com. (Not a plug, just mentioning what worked for me.)
And today I saw an ad in The Stranger for a company called Diverse Employment, which could be useful if you cultivate a unique appearance. Don’t know a thing about them, and their Web site (www.diverseemployment.com) doesn’t look too current, but it may be worth looking into. (Their ad caught my eye because they claim to help people with unique appearances find jobs, which definitely applies in my situation.)
Dearest ren, I just feel so BAD about this turn of events that I went out and bought you a whole four-pack of Spires! Oh, dear I accidentally opened them all! You will have to drink them really, really fast, before they lose their fizz…
I got laid off last December. Everyone else was told a few days before that they were gone, I wasn’t so on my last day I had to take everything with me on the damn train! to top it off they wanted me out of the office an hour after I got there so I had to wait around until my train came 6 hours later. The nice thing is that I had interviewed for another job a couple of weeks before and turned it down but they took me when I told them I got laid off! HA HA I still got 3000 bucks in severance!
hey, jeyen, thanks for the input! (More Seattle dopers!) Management was swearing about having sufficient funding to get us into next summer at our current burn rate. Ooops, maybe not! Actually I did alright (allright? all right?) last time using Monster and the Seattle Times. Plus I have more contacts now, so I’m a little less stressed.
Edward T. Head I had to find an empty paper box and carry out all my computer manuals etc. I felt ridiculous. Everyone who hadn’t yet heard the news was sort of staring at me with a “there-but-for-the-grace-of-God-go-I” sort of look. All we needed was low, ominous string music to make the moment complete.
Scotti, if there were more of your kind of evil in the world there would be no need for good.
[sub]P.S. Jayla, I’d love to help with the house but my hands are soooo tired from playing guitar all day…[/sub]