Well, its not Shakespeare, but I often find myself asking this question when I post to the SDMB.
This question generally applies to reading GQ and MPSIMS, but I felt it belongs in GD.
When you have a question, usually like one in GQ but frequently more innane in MPSIMS, that you could probably answer through a fairly short reasonable web search do you post it? Now, there are always questions that are so stupid that you definately should open the dictionary or search Yahoo!, but some that are interesting or slightly more complicated requiring a knowledge of the subject to understand the results of a websearch.
Many times you will see someone critisized for using the SDMB as a search engine, and being lazy asking others to do their work for them. But given that fact, it seems to me that very few questions can’t be answered by using a search engine. So it makes this site pretty useless. Where do you draw the line? What do you do if you have a question that you probably could answer by doing a search or making a phone call? Is the fact that by asking a question here where others read it and perhaps learn something secondarily a consideration? How lame must a question be before it isn’t worth asking in the forum? Do you think only questions so complex that a web search would be useless should be asked here? What do other Dopers feel about this conundrum?