To the walking waste of biological matter that stole our donation jar:

You stole money from sick kids, you worthless waste of a walking blowjob.

At the hospital where I work, every year there’s an event called ‘The Big Change Roundup for Kids’. It’s not just a hospital thing, kids take donations from school, and there’s a silly bandit theme, and it’s a big deal on the radio stations.

The donated money all goes to the Vermont Children’s Hospital, for sick children. This is my workplace, where I spend eight hours or more five or more days a week.

Yeah, it’s pocket change. It isn’t much. But it’s money for sick children. Some of these kids have parents who have to quit their jobs to care for their kids. Some of them are extremely ill. Some are on last-ditch treatment efforts their families can’t afford.

So we all scrape the linings of our pockets when we pass the collection jar in the lounge at work, and we drop in a quarter, or a dollar, or whatever. As a whole, we usually manage a few thousand dollars, I think. That’s a few thousand dollars more than they had to start with, and it makes people feel good, to feel like their loose change is doing something good, no matter how small their part may be.

We got an email at work this week saying that the money from our lounge had been taken.

There are not enough spiteful, hate-filled words in all the languages ever invented on this planet for me to spew out enough rancid insults to the two-legged cockstain that would take money from sick fucking children.

I firmly believe that what comes around goes around, and I hope to Hell and back that this person feels guilty enough to lose sleep over what a shitty rotten thing this is to do to helpless children. He or she probably won’t, but thinking that won’t make me feel any better.

I know there are children starving, sick, and dying all over the world, but this is in my own workplace.

I just cannot believe someone in the environment where I work would do something like this. It makes me sad, sick, and angry.

This may be borderline RO, but since it actually affects me and my workplace… well. I just needed to vent before blood started spurting from my eye sockets.

I couldn’t even think of any creative insults, this time.

Likely your cleaning staff.

Pick up your janitor, & shake him, & see if he jingles; then cram a big old squirrel in him. :smiley:

There will be more than one squirrel, I can tell you. We’ll have a good ol’ fashioned squirrel stuffing. They run around here by the dozens.

It sucks but it happens all the time. Some people simply cannot resist the temptation of having money sitting there. Who the money is for and why simply doesn’t register with them, for whatever reason.

I’m sure it’s obvious but, in the future, you need to remove the money collected nightly and keep it under lock and key. Remove the temptation altogether.

This is the only time I’m aware of in the 4 years I’ve been working here that it’s happened, so it’s not a usual thing during the donation collection’s run.

They really should collect the money at certain intervals, and I believe they do, so it’s not like a ton of money was taken. Which is why it’s even crappier. The principle of taking from a donation jar to buy a soda or something is just rotten. Either way, it sucks.

It isn’t a major loss, we’ve just avoided the bottom-feeders until now, apparently.

In case anyone is interested in donating to a good cause, you can find this charity here . Registration is required. Thank you to samclem for the “okay”.

Aw, thanks for going through the bother of getting the approval to post that. It makes me want to kill something slightly less violently.

I used to draw blood on the inpatient floors, including the pediatric wards. It just does something awful to your insides to see the kids who can barely move because their chemo has taken pretty much everything out of them, or because they’re wiped from immunosuppressants because of transplants and the reason that you’re there is to jab them and prod them even more.

I couldn’t be a pedi nurse.

I wish whoever was heartless or stupid enough to steal the donation jar was forced to sit in the pedi ICUs and watch the kids suffer.

It wouldn’t have an impact. People who steal IMO are missing the “empathy” hardwire.

In my capacity as Walgreens cashier, I help clean up the store, and I’m constantly amazed at the shoplifters’ debris I find behind–wrappers, etc.–and at what people will steal. I expect them to steal candy, pregnancy tests, fake nails, and cigars, that’s a given, but…who steals garden gloves? A dog collar? Contact lens solution? We had a woman who just last week walked in and helped herself to four sticks of deodorant, and then there’s the man who blatantly filled up the front of his coat with bar soap and walked out.

It’s a particular mindset: “I need this”, so they take it, and the fact that technically it belongs to someone else doesn’t even register.