To the woman who tried to cut me in line today: I curse thee.

39 cents??? Did they fucking change it again? I hope that’s a typo, otherwise, I’m going to be getting some returned mail.

Yeah, but unless the cashier is stoned off his or her ass, I think he or she would notice a whole group of people that suddenly walked up and formed a second line when he or she was already cashing through one line. Your powers of observation would have to be pretty damned dull to miss that.

I was in a 7-11 the other day and some guy tried to pull that shit (forming a second line when there was already a line formed and only one cashier), the cashier totally ignored him and he eventually got into the actual line. Perhaps it was the Stare Of Death I was giving him.

I’d think satiating really rude customers that are destined to piss off a group of customers already waiting in line (what’s more infuriating than a line cutter?) would be a bit more dangerous than just insisting everyone follow the same set of rules.

Honestly, it’s not that hard. Most of us learn how to form a line in freaking first grade. Endorsing this kind of behavior just makes people do it more and I have never seen any other store that allows that kind of madness. Especially for the sake of “keeping order.” It just doesn’t make any damned sense.