To those who think the WTC bombing was justified

Yes, that’s the all too convenient sentiment. A lot of people felt sympathy for the victims at first, but have now casually forgotten about them. The thing has become a historical event now, an incident which has political significance but no emotional effect.

You’re correct about the common perception of Americans. And I can also understand how the effectiveness of this attack could inspire admiration in some people. It was obviously the work of a mastermind. But the deaths of innocent Americans and non-Americans was not justified, so the attack was not justified either.

Yes, but these Muslims did not choose to die for the glory of Islam. Are they going to be rewarded just for inadvertently being in a certain place at a certain time?

My thanks to these terrorists for taking everyone’s lives into their own hands. Even Muslims aren’t safe - the terrorists could just decide that it’s time for us to ascend to Paradise whether we want to or not.

And it will show them that when we are touched, we touch back.

To those who thought it was justified, I wonder if they would think so if their mother was on board that flight from New York to LA 'cause she wanted to Disneyland?

That’s the hypocrisy of it - they certainly wouldn’t.