Today I saw a loser that made me so mad

You know, I was just going to comment on how uninformed people like to talk shit about things they don’t understand. But you take the cake.

You have the information necessary to understand that a depressed person specifically lacks the ability to assess the situation logically. When the brain is the thing that is sick, you can’t expect it to rise above its own sickness.

I think you know this. So, I am going to be plain. You are a bigot. You know the person can’t help how they are at a given time, but you expect them to do it anyways. It’s no different than expecting a gay person to stop being gay because you, as a straight person, have found you can stop being attracted to the same sex.

I sincerely hope you find yourself in a situation where you get depressed. And I want you to go along not complaining at all, and do exactly what the doctor says, even though it actually hurts more than the depression itself. With the level of cluelessness that you have displayed, I believe you’d not make it past the “Should I slit my wrist” phase.

As for the rest of you, get a fucking clue, or be thought of as bigots for the rest of your life. This is the sort of crap I’d expect out of Der Trihs or Diogenes (or even Shodan or the newly departed Carol Stream.)