Today is Roy Batty's incept date

There are worse things than death by snu snu.

To this day, I am curious about who combat models like Roy were manufactured to fight. Were those c-beams fired by warring factions of colonists? Are there alien races that humanity wars against with replicant soldiers? Are the nations of Earth still at war with each other and using replicants?

NERD ALERT! <punch>

I don’t want a flying car. I want a robot car! A self-driving car! Type in an address on the dashboard, take out a book and enjoy the ride! How much did you have to drink? Who cares? The car don’t drink!

Well I know what to watch tonight.

Yes. It’s been… retired. But [del]Tyrell[/del] Google did release an updated Nexus-6 product, the Nexus-6P. I’m sure it’ll be much more tractable and less likely to spontaneously homicide.

The four year limit was established due to how long it was taking for the replicants to start developing too many human feelings. If they were becoming a problem at 3.5 years then that would have been the limit, but it wasn’t.

Note that replicants don’t know how much time they have left. Leon specifically asks Dekker how much time he has left. OTOH, they are aware they have short lifespans.

There also seems to be some variability to the 4 year rule in practice. Roy isn’t really all that close to his limit but is clearly having issues at the end.

There is some ambiguity about Nexus models and lifespans. Since only the newer models have memory implants for mental stability, are those the only ones with lifespan limitations built in?

I’d settle for a flying noodle shop.

Or a new life in the off-world colonies.

Meh. Don’t believe the low-flying dirigible advertising.

Now the phrase is often overused, but that sir, is a band name.

That’d be comparatively safe and easy. “Machine will overload like a fucking grenade in 800 cycle. Cycle count is X” - I’d still buy that provided the geegaw is useful enough and 800 cycles give it enough of a lifespan.
“Warning : machine might become self-aware and wax poetic and/or murder people at any given time” is a dicier proposition.

What are these replicants, anyway? Are they machines, or genetically engineered life forms, or some combination of both?

In the book, they’re androids, and they’re called that:

This means that they’re robots built to look exactly like a human to anyone who doesn’t try to tear them apart. I don’t know of any definitive explanation why they weren’t just called androids in the movie. Perhaps it was because the robots in Star Wars were called “droids” (although they aren’t androids), so the people who made Blade Runner decided that the word “android” was taken and some other word had to be used for them.

How can it be Roy Batty’s incept date when ground hasn’t even broken on the Tyrell corp. headquarters?

Uh… yes. And so lifelike you can’t figure out you’re looking at one unless you administer a Voight-Kampff test, and sometimes not even then.

How can you be sure?

I always assumed it was some kind of rebellion, under paid and over indentured workers; I think I assumed miners, kind of like the Molly McGuires or the strikers in Harlan County.

The replicants were high-tech Pinkertons, and Roy Batty knew it and hated himself and his makers for it.

I think I was probably projecting a bit.

You mean like the Drone Car that was shown this week at CES?

They make the money to build the Tryell ziggurat by selling nexus 6 replicants. This week the NFL owners are going to turn down the Chargers request to move to Carson with the Raiders. So the group trying to build the new stadium will have to turn to other projects and the Tryell buildings will be the new project.

And how long does it take to build a pair of 800 story buildings?

Poor Roy Batty

Poor Roy Batty
Icepted on 1/8
As a Tyrell replicant
Off world on Tuesday
Watched C-beams on Wednesday
Want berserk on Thursday
Killed Tyrell on Friday
Died on a roof top
And finally the rain stopped
Then Decker got the girl see
And that is the end
Of poor Roy Batty