Today is Roy Batty's incept date

Heheheh. Very funny. Thanks.

Nitpick: the name is “Deckard”: Rick Deckard - Wikipedia

Thank god there’s no prequel to badly answer such questions.

No, other way round. The limited lifespan came first, the memory implants were a different, subsequent approach, in Rachel.

Well, on the upside, at last the future now isn’t nearly as run down, noisy, overcrowded, and rainy as the movie version.

Okay, I was confusing the “emotional development” thing with the memory implant thing. The Nexus 6 time limit is to deal with the eventual emotional issues. The memory implant thing is for Rachael and possibly unknown others.

Note that Bryant has to explain the life span thing to Deckard as part of explaining the Nexus 6 emotions deal, so it was: A. Common to all Nexus 6 models, B. It was a new thing. (Or something else about Deckard was “new”.;))

Note that the habit of collecting old photographs and such was a result of the Nexus 6 emotional weirdness. Leon was especially fond towards his collection. (And in way completely unlike Deckard’s feelings towards his collection.;))

Pris, the basic pleasure model, has her incept date next month. Can you guess which day it is?

I know! I know!

A., I believe, and also C. Exposition for audience benefit.

More to the point, completely unlike Rachael’s. Leon always knew his photos did not represent his own genuine, lived past–but he had an irrational impulse to construct a context anyway. Part and parcel of his ‘breakdown’ into emotionalism. Giving Rachael the impression of ordinary lived experience was specifically intended to avert exactly that part of the breakdown, whether causal or symptomatic.

As long as this started as a thread about Roy Batty…
I think that Roy is in fact the “Tragic Hero” of Blade Runner.

A bit too violent to call him a hero, tragic or otherwise, I’d say.

I never thought that was in question.


Valentine’s Day…bummer.


Once upon a time androids were artificial humans (more or less) made of meat. One story I remember they had blue skin so you would not confuse them with “genuine” humans. Capek’s “robots” in R.U.R were of this type.

Later it could mean a mechanical being with a skin-like covering so it could pass, more or less, for human. Asimov’s R. Daneel Olivaw is of this type.

Finally, George Lucas got into the act, and now any sentient-mechanical thing is an “android.”

It’s been so long since I’ve read Electric Sheep I don’t recall whether the replicants were type I or II, but I had the distinct impression in the movie that they were type I

How would Leon have felt if he realized that he was asking the same questions that almost everyone asks at some time?

Leons photo collection always seemed like his version of an imaginary friend. He knew the photos were not really about him or his past. But it was fun to make up stories and pretend that he had a family.


Go to Hong kong, Shanghai or Beijing and see if you agree with that. Ok we don’t have off world colonies, or replicants but the movie is dead on in other ways. Theres also the central canal area (Dontonbori) in Osaka , Japan which is renowned for looking like it should be in Bladerunner.

Anyway we now have five years for Elon Musk to deliver us off world colonies. I live in hope :wink:

If you have seen the Kurt Russell movie Soldier, which is supposed to be set in the same universe, the off-world colonies are arguably more unpleasant than the polluted, dying Earth.

David Peoples, the screenwriter of Soldier, considered it to be in the same universe of Blade Runner, but nobody who actually owns the rights to Blade Runner authorized it to be such:

There are plenty of things in every day life that have a limited safe lifespan (car brakes, tyres) after which they should be replaced. If they simply ceased to operate (in a safe way) when they reached a certain wear point that would be safer than they are now.

I’m torn between the conclusion you are a paedophile since she could at most be 4 years old and the conclusion that you can’t be a paedophile if she is only an object.

Roy’s 2 days old now. I imagine he already has a hacking cough from smoking cigs. Luckily, he gave them up on his one week incept day.

The understanding I grew up with was that “robots” were metal artificial people, while “androids” were biological or chemical artificial people. Science Fiction writer Edmond Hamilton was, I think, the one who pushed the distinction. He used it in his stories.* Later on he wrote comic book stories for DC, and kept up the distinction. If you grew up with pulp SF or with Silver Age comics, you were aware of the distinction.

It wasn’t always so clear-cut. The term “android” (meaning, basically, :“man-shaped”) has been used for people-shaped automata since the 19th century, giving the term an older pedigree than “robot”. as mentioned above, “Robot” comes from Karel Capek’s play R.U.R.* (“Rossum’s Universal Robots”), where tyhe “robots” really are what Hamilton would call “androids”.

In the 1972 movie Silent Running there were three diminutive robots that were called “drones”, and had very non-robotic personalities. I suspect that when George Lucas made his epic Star Wars , which featured robots with human personalities, and one of them diminutive (and communicating, as Silent Running’s did, without human words), he was influenced to change “drones” to “droids” , which can be seen as an abbreviation of “androids”. Prior to Lucas, I never heard “droids”. The automata of the Star Wars universe are never called “androids”, to my knowledge, although they are referred to once, in the first film, as “robots”**

  • (most notably the Captain Future series, where the titular Captain Future had a Robot sidekick and an android sidekick. You can see the cover of the first issue as a poster on the wall near the door of Sheldon and Leonard’s apartment in Big Bang Theory)

** It’s when Luke and Ben are at the Sand People’s tractor massacre, and Luke realizes that the Storm Troopers might know who they sold the “robots” to.

Where do I come from? Where am I going? How long have I got?

And all I could do was sit there and watch him die.

From a bullet to the head.

I don’t think Leon had that much introspection. If you pointed that out to him, he’d just as soon squeeze your head until it popped.