Today kind of sucks--yet I'm still in a good mood.

  1. Arrived at work to find out that my computer is STILL on the fritz (the fritz started two days ago when I was trying to install Adobe Acrobat; since then my boss has tried a million things to fix the problem, and has only succeeded in creating more problems (as usual), but hey, I got to leave an hour early yesterday just so that he could ruin stuff).

  2. Logged on to Ebay to find that the bidding on the vintage slip/skirt I wanted had risen from $16.00 to $77.00 overnight. The auction ends tonight . . . but Honey, it’s already over for me. :mad:

  3. Got an email from my best friend to tell me that the visit she’d planned to make with her new baby is not gonna happen. :frowning:

  4. Got our agency newsletters (which I write/edit/compile) back from the printer–a day late–only to find that:

a. they put the inserts in backwards

b. they neglected to fold them for mailing, and

c. one of my graphs came out too fuzzy to read.

  1. Just got word that our employee health insurance premium is going up ASTRONOMICALLY again this year, which means that:

a. it will have doubled over the past three years and

b. our agency budget (also prepared by me) is going to implode unless I can find a way to re-distribute $5,000, because despite my doomsday predictions of an insane hike in health insurance costs, I failed to anticipate one this insane.

And to top it all off,

  1. My boss took all the good stuff off my computer while he was tinkering yesterday. My solitaire, my groovy fonts . . . even my future as a graffiti (sp?) artist!

Eww, and I just guzzled a SlimFast.

Nevertheless, I find myself surprisingly cheery today! What the hell is wrong with me? Does this mean that tomorrow I’ll magically become 10 lbs. lighter, win the lottery, and receive a love letter from Greg Allman . . .

. . . and still be pissy as hell?

Does this ever happen to you?

Nope. Day that bad, I tend to be in a bad mood.

Luckily, I have underlings I can take it out on. :smiley:

It’s 'cause of that rock on your hand. Instant cheer, I reckon.

Shit, Homebrew–I’m not even wearing the rock! I left it at home in my mad dash to make it to the gym on time this morning! :eek:

Sending warm thoughts your way Em. I too had a kinda sucky day - but am in a relatively good mood.

I had to put an employee on probation today. Even though it is the right thing to do (actually, letting him go is the right thing to do) it is not a part of my job that I enjoy. It was definitely a downer.

auntie em I hear you, especially today!

Got my truck back yesterday after three weeks in the transmission shop… had it less than 24 hours, and it became unfixed. Great. They’re not getting any more money, but the time without a vehicle is still a major hassle.

It’s a beautiful spring day, so I thought I’d bring one of my dogs to work with me, partly to give him a break from our latest litter of puppies. All is peaceful, with my dog under my desk, when… he dashes to the corner and lays a pile all over the floor. Complete with tapeworms. Lovely. Clean that up, gagging. Make run to buy dog de-wormer, which is when the transmission goes out again. And 'round and 'round she goes!

But, even with a hard day in a hard year, I still walk around with a silly grin on, and for much the same reason as yours. Life is just easier to deal with when someone loves you!