Arrived at work to find out that my computer is STILL on the fritz (the fritz started two days ago when I was trying to install Adobe Acrobat; since then my boss has tried a million things to fix the problem, and has only succeeded in creating more problems (as usual), but hey, I got to leave an hour early yesterday just so that he could ruin stuff).
Logged on to Ebay to find that the bidding on the vintage slip/skirt I wanted had risen from $16.00 to $77.00 overnight. The auction ends tonight . . . but Honey, it’s already over for me. :mad:
Got an email from my best friend to tell me that the visit she’d planned to make with her new baby is not gonna happen.
Got our agency newsletters (which I write/edit/compile) back from the printer–a day late–only to find that:
a. they put the inserts in backwards
b. they neglected to fold them for mailing, and
c. one of my graphs came out too fuzzy to read.
- Just got word that our employee health insurance premium is going up ASTRONOMICALLY again this year, which means that:
a. it will have doubled over the past three years and
b. our agency budget (also prepared by me) is going to implode unless I can find a way to re-distribute $5,000, because despite my doomsday predictions of an insane hike in health insurance costs, I failed to anticipate one this insane.
And to top it all off,
- My boss took all the good stuff off my computer while he was tinkering yesterday. My solitaire, my groovy fonts . . . even my future as a graffiti (sp?) artist!
Eww, and I just guzzled a SlimFast.
Nevertheless, I find myself surprisingly cheery today! What the hell is wrong with me? Does this mean that tomorrow I’ll magically become 10 lbs. lighter, win the lottery, and receive a love letter from Greg Allman . . .
. . . and still be pissy as hell?
Does this ever happen to you?