Yesterday there was a note on my door reading:
“Dear Residents of Pinecrest Apartments: Hot water will be shut off tomorrow, June 1. Sorry for the inconvenience.”
No big deal, thought I. Its so hot lately I’ve been taking cold showers anyway.
Today brought a new dawn and a new note:
“Dear Residents of Pinecrest Apartments: water will be unavailable tomorrow, June 2. Sorry for the inconvenience.”
Ok, now I’m irritated. I don’t mind (in fact, I like) cold water. But no water at all?? Whats next? Are they going to come into my home and clean out my reefer? Steal my cat? Arrgh!!
Maybe a bit late for this, but perhaps you could ask the polite management folks [sub]who are sorry for any inconvenience[/sub], if they could maybe turn the water off AFTER most of their tenants have showered, say 9:00 AM? This is fairly standard practice IME. Meanwhile, fill a couple of buckets or large pans just in case you have to do the sponge bath thing. Or ask the management to send over an appropriate person to GIVE you a sponge bath (I’m thinking young, blonde, Swedish female. YMMV) That would go a looooong way toward alleviating “any inconvenience”.
Also, you can hoard spare air in large Ziploc[sup]TM[/sup] baggies.