Today, my water. Tomorrow, the world!

Yesterday there was a note on my door reading:
“Dear Residents of Pinecrest Apartments: Hot water will be shut off tomorrow, June 1. Sorry for the inconvenience.”

No big deal, thought I. Its so hot lately I’ve been taking cold showers anyway.

Today brought a new dawn and a new note:
“Dear Residents of Pinecrest Apartments: water will be unavailable tomorrow, June 2. Sorry for the inconvenience.”

Ok, now I’m irritated. I don’t mind (in fact, I like) cold water. But no water at all?? Whats next? Are they going to come into my home and clean out my reefer? Steal my cat? Arrgh!!

Start hoarding air.

Start hoarding air.

Start hoarding air in MPSIMS.

Ah, they’re 1920’s style “Death Rays.”

Revtim really thinks you should hoard air.


How nice of them to remove all the seeds and stems for you.

Perhaps you might consider hoarding air.

And not just in MPSIMS.

Not to derail your funny little joke, but this:

is the funniest part of it and the part that actually got me giggling.

Hey-it’s getting kinda stuffy in here. Is someone hoarding air?

But the question is, should I be hoarding air? And where should I do so?

At the bottom of the ocean, but only for 20 minutes, and hey, you’re 45 years late.

Did I mention you should hoard air?

Do’h. You know, I could have sworn not only that I didn’t hit submit twice, but that I hadn’t even hit it once, and just previewed.

What are “Things that broke”, Alex?

I agree with the three blokes named Revtim. Air is next.

You need lots of air to sing Rio by Duran Duran.

Maybe a bit late for this, but perhaps you could ask the polite management folks [sub]who are sorry for any inconvenience[/sub], if they could maybe turn the water off AFTER most of their tenants have showered, say 9:00 AM? This is fairly standard practice IME. Meanwhile, fill a couple of buckets or large pans just in case you have to do the sponge bath thing. Or ask the management to send over an appropriate person to GIVE you a sponge bath (I’m thinking young, blonde, Swedish female. YMMV) That would go a looooong way toward alleviating “any inconvenience”.

Also, you can hoard spare air in large Ziploc[sup]TM[/sup] baggies. :smiley:

Only if they’re labeled “Hi, Opal!”

I burning your air?

In case you run out, I have some spare air I’ll sell really cheap.