Today's date-binary code?

Depending on where you are in the world, the date today is either 100101 or 011001. What, if anything, does that translate into when using binary code?

I’m not a programmer so I don’t know if my terminology is correct, just when I saw the date, that’s the first thing I thought of.

100101 = 32+4+1 = 37 decimal
011001 = 16+8+1 = 25 decimal


And Halloween is really Christmas, because 31 Oct equals 25 Dec.

Ba dum tish! I slay me!

(Explanation- 31 octal equals 25 decimal. 31 oct = (3*8)+1 = 25.)

Also, if using two’s complement, 100101 can be -26, assuming a 6 bit byte.

Grr…check that. 100101 would be -27, not -26.

In ASCII, 100101 is “%” and 011001 is “Ctrl-Y”

Manduck, that’s probably what I was looking for. The other stuff was greek to me.