Today's my Wedding Anniversary!

Fifteen fu**ing…um…I mean fifteen wonderful years!:slight_smile:

Happy fu**ing…uh…wonderful anniversary!

May the next 15 be as fu**ed…uh…as wonderful as the first 15!

Actually, I sure hope you’re joking - I am.



And here’s to many, many more happy years.

Happy-Happy-Happy Anniversary!!!

y’all still got them white shotguns? :wink:

Joyeux anniversaire, hillbilly queen!

Fifteen years congrats. Are you going to lick his butthole?


Awww… now see what you did, hillbillyboy!

Personally, I hope you have a wonderful anniversary, hillbilly queen… and many more wonderful years of happiness! :slight_smile:

Happy anniversary! 15 years would be cyrstal I do believe.